As Chair of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC)  I am very proud of the  expertise and dedication each of the members bring to this important work. It is their contributions that shape the analysis and recommendations included in this report and ensure that these tragic deaths are not overlooked.

The end of 2018 represents 15 years since the committee was formed.  Even though the work we are doing is comprehensive and well-serving, I believe we should always look for ways in which to better serve Ontarians and improve safety for women, children and men living with domestic violence.

The Office of the Chief Coroner is embarking on a comprehensive review of the committee, including an evaluation of the committee’s mandate, function and composition.

We will be taking a retrospective and prospective approach that will not only look inward – there are a number of other initiatives underway both inside and outside of government that may inform innovative approaches to these important reviews. Essentially, we want to learn from our experiences and the experiences of others.

It is our intention to conduct our review of the DVDRC in consultation with a diversity of internal and external stakeholders, experts, agencies and survivors and families.

This work would not be possible without the members of the DVDRC, their unique expertise and ongoing commitment to doing this work and doing it well. Their contributions are greatly appreciated. A special thank you to the following committee members who have left in 2018 or will be leaving the committee in 2019: D/Sgt. Alison Freeman, D/Sgt. Mark Gauthier, D/Sgt. Monica Denreyer, D/Sgt. Leslie Raymond and Pam Fusillo. 

It is with great sadness that I also acknowledge the recent passing of Dr. Lynn Stewart, a long-time member of the DVDRC. Lynn was an active and engaging participant of the DVDRC for many years and she will be sadly missed.

Deidre Bainbridge
Chair, Domestic Violence Death Review Committee