Product Classification and Tariffs

Harmonized system (HS) nomenclature

World Customs Organization

Hierarchical listing of the nomenclature section of the HS code, with links to individual chapters by two digit level, for example 01= Live Animals. Each chapter provides the details to six digits, for example 0102.31 = Buffalo: Pure-bred breeding animals.

Canadian export classification

Statistics Canada

General rules for the interpretation of the Harmonized System (HS), and titles of sections and chapters of the Canadian Export Classification.

HS codes – keyword search

Statistics Canada

In the Trade Data Online database, under “Select a product”, choose the “Search for a product” option and then enter a keyword to identify related HS codes to 6 digits. Free to download commodity trade data between Canada and the provinces and their international trading partners, at the 6-digit HS level.

Tariff download facility

World Trade Organization (WTO)

This database contains comprehensive information on non-preferential or Most Favoured Nation (MFN) applied (actual) and bound (maximum) tariffs at the standard 6-digit codes of the Harmonized System (HS) for all WTO members. Data can be downloaded in Excel, XML or CSV formats.

Tariff analysis online

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Offers a single interface to two WTO databases, the Integrated Database (IDB) and the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS). Choose from pre-built reports such as Tariff Line Duties, Principal Suppliers, or Tariff Quotas. Then customize to an import market, year, and one or more 8-digit HS codes. Export the report data in Excel, XML, or text format, or print in PDF format. Includes a clear User Guide.

Canada tariff finder and tariff information by country

Global Affairs Canada

Links to foreign customs tariff databases, by country.

EU online customs tariff database (TARIC)

European Commission, Taxation and Customs Union

The online customs tariff database, TARIC, is a multilingual database that integrates all measures relating to tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation. The search function shows the duty rate and links to any regulations that might apply.

Customs Regulations – Canada

A step-by-step guide to exporting commercial goods form Canada

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

An overview of the exporting process, explaining the Canadian customs regulations and programs covered by CBSA’s Memoranda Series D1 to D22.

Checklist for exporting commercial goods from Canada

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

A convenient list of the steps needed to be compliant with CBSA regulations on exports, from obtaining an import/export business number to completing and submitting the export declaration electronically.

Duties Relief Program

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The Duties Relief Program relieves the payment of duties, at the time of importation, on imported goods that will eventually be exported either in the same condition or after being consumed, expended or used in the processing of other goods.


Customs Regulations – Country-Specific

New Exporters to Border States

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

The New Exporters to Border States (NEBS) program introduces exporters to the fundamentals of exporting to the United States. Offered as either a two-day, hands-on workshop or as a half-day seminar, NEBS provides expert briefings on the practical aspects of doing business in the U.S. Topics covered include: U.S. customs procedures and documentation requirements; the identification and management of agents and distributors; warehouse distribution fulfillment options; banking, corporate and other legal considerations; federal and state tax as well as business immigration requirements.

U.S. customs and compliance seminars

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

These seminars provide practical, hands-on information that covers NAFTA Rules and Certificates of Origin, customs documentation requirements to clear goods into the U.S., and U.S. tariff classifications and compliance responsibilities as an Importer of Record. Visit for a complete listing of all upcoming events and seminars.

Importing into the United States: a guide for commercial importers

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

This 200+ page guide covers entry of goods, informed compliance, invoices, assessment of duty, classification and value, marking, special requirements, and more.

Informed compliance publications – U.S.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Informed Compliance publications include the What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: … series, which are substantive booklets covering many specific topics and categories of goods, from The ABCs of Prior Disclosure to Works of Art, Collectors Pieces, Antiques and Other Cultural Property.

HTS search – U.S.

U.S. International Trade Commission

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the United States. Provides the 8-digit tariff code for specific products. Browse by chapter for the full legal text of chapters. Search box at top provides access by keyword.

Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) – U.S.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) is a searchable database of CBP rulings that can be retrieved based on simple or complex search parameters. CROSS has the added functionality of cross-referencing rulings from the initial search result set with their modified, revoked or referenced counterparts.

U.S. guidance documents – prior notice of imported foods

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Links to guides about U.S. import regulations for food, including Questions and Answers, Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes, and Small Entity Compliance Guide: What You Need to Know.

Importing into the U.S. – medical devices

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Provides overview and summary of FDA requirements for medical devices and products that emit radiation, and a link to “Device Advice”, the section of the FDA website that describes the basic regulatory requirements covering medical devices distributed in the U.S.


Incoterms® rules

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Incoterms® are a set of rules defining the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods under sales contracts, and provide a common terminology and descriptions for international shipments, e.g. CIP “Carriage And Insurance Paid To”. They indicate where the exporter’s responsibility ends and the importer’s responsibility begins with respect to ownership and insurance of the goods. Summary charts are available from many customs brokers.

CIFFA member directory

Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA)

Directory of 250+ freight forwarders who are members of CIFFA.

Freight forwarders and logistics directory


International directory of freight forwarders, cargo and logistics services, including cargo insurance, customs brokers, freight associations, couriers, finance and factoring, shipping lines, track and trace, warehousing and packaging, etc.

What is a customs broker and why do you need one?

Canadian Society of Customs Brokers (CSCB)

Brief but helpful advice on selecting a customs broker and questions to ask.

Customs Brokers

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

One of a series of publications, What every member of the trade community should know about. Includes 10 pages on the duties and responsibilities of customs brokers.

Find a customs broker

Canadian Society of Customs Brokers (CSCB)

Directory of customs brokers, including all branch offices. Search by Canadian city, metro area or province.

Global Value Chain

Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

An in-depth online training course on the logistics of international trade. Part of a series of courses leading to the designation “Certified International Trade Professional” (CITP), but may be taken separately.