Regulations – general

Export and import controls

Global Affairs Canada

This site provides export control information on various sectors, including softwood lumber, agri-food products, textiles and clothing, steel, military technology plus other miscellaneous industries. Includes important updates and links to Guides and Publications, Forms and Systems.

Export and Brokering Controls Handbook

Global Affairs Canada

This is the main reference tool to assist exporters with questions about Canada’s export controls, which are administered according to the Export Control List, the Area Control List and the Automatic Firearms Country Control List under the Export and Import Permits Act.

Export permits for cryptographic items

Global Affairs Canada

Explains export permit applications for information security goods/ technology and goods/technology employing cryptography.

Food exports

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

CFIA inspects dairy products, fish and seafood, foods regulated solely under the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, meat and poultry products, and processed products (fruits, vegetables and maple products). CFIA verifies that exported food and food products meet Canadian requirements (where applicable) as well as those of the importing country.

Other government departments and agencies: reference list for exporters

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

To help ensure that prohibited and controlled goods are not illegally exported from Canada, CBSA assists other federal government departments and agencies by enforcing regulations on their behalf. This page provides a list of some of the most commonly exported commodities that may require permits and/or certificates from other federal agencies; inquiries about these exporting regulations should be directed to the relevant agency.

Wood packaging material requirements to the United States

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Certification program to ensure compliance with International Plant Protection Convention’s ISPM 15: Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade, which applies to all non-manufactured wood packaging (e.g. pallets, containers, drums, etc.) shipped to any country that has adopted these requirements. This page also links to other guides under the Canadian Wood Packaging Certification Program.

Canadian economic sanctions

Global Affairs Canada

Canada has sanctions in place against a number of countries, as well as against specific individuals and entities identified as being associated with terrorist activities. Sanctions may include export/import restrictions, technical assistance prohibition, etc.

Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna (CITES)

Environment and Climate Change Canada

This international convention protects endangered species worldwide. Any import, export or re-export of CITES-listed species must be authorized through CITES permits issued by Environment Canada and its partners.

Cross-border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations, 2021

Environment and Climate Change Canada

These regulations ensure that hazardous materials transported across the Canadian border are managed appropriately.

Country commercial guides

U.S. Commercial Service

Country-specific guides written for U.S. exporters. Each guide includes information on trade regulations, customs and standards, as well as many other topics. (no U.S. guide.)

PKF International - Doing Business in… Series

PKF International

PKF is a global network of legally independent firms who contribute the publications in the PKF Doing Business In series. Each publication outlines financial and legal considerations of doing business in a specific country. Typical contents are business structure, business finance and taxation, foreign personnel, intellectual property, grants and incentives, etc.

Products under the jurisdiction of other federal agencies - U.S.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

In the United States, the CPSC has jurisdiction over many types of consumer products, from coffee makers to toys, lawn mowers to fireworks. However, some types of consumer products are covered by other federal agencies. For example, automobiles, trucks and motorcycles are within the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation; food, drugs (except for child resistant-packaging for these products), and cosmetics are covered by the Food and Drug Administration. Various product types are listed on this page, with links to the appropriate federal agencies.

Your Europe

European Commission

Practical guide to doing business in Europe, this is a portal for access to many regulations of interest to companies targeting the European market, such as VAT rules, competition rules, product requirements and energy labels.

Regulations – intellectual property

Intellectual property for exporting businesses

Innovation, Science and Economic Development

A guide to protecting your intellectual property, including trademarks. Provides links to resources under each step, including developing an IP strategy, searching IP databases in other countries, and protecting your rights.

Directory of Intellectual Property Offices

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Contact details of national copyright and industrial property offices worldwide, with links where applicable.

Trademark Basics - A Guide for Business

International Trademark Association (INTA)

A trademark or service mark can be a word, logo, slogan, package design or almost anything else that serves to indicate a particular source, product or service. This pamphlet explains some of the basic principles of trademarks, including selecting a trademark, how trademarks are protected internationally, the registration process, the rights of trademark owners, and how to properly label or identify a mark.

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Covers copyright and trademarks, including gray market/parallel imports.

Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

This search engine allows you to search the USPTO database of registered trademarks and designs, plus prior pending applications, to find marks that may prevent registration due to a “likelihood of confusion” refusal. Read TESS Tips before searching.

TM view

European Union International Intellectual Property Network

In Europe, trademark protection can be granted through official trademark offices at national, international or European Community level, all of which can be searched in the TMview database. Use TMview to check the availability of an idea for a trademark name; find goods and services protected by competitors’ trademarks; receive updates on selected trademarks for change of status, change of name and end of opposition period. Includes data from all 27 EU member states in addition to the information available from WIPO – a total of 8.5 million trademarks.

DOOR - Database of origin and registration

European Commission

List of more than 800 trademarks and designs that are registered in the EU. Three EU schemes known as PDO (protected designation of origin), PGI (protected geographical indication) and TSG (traditional speciality guaranteed) promote and protect names of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs. DOOR provides search options to find out which product names are registered or have been applied for.

Global brand database

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data, including trademarks, appellations of origin and official emblems. Data comes from multiple national and international sources.

Country IPR toolkits

U.S. International Trade Administration

Country IPR toolkits contain detailed information on protecting and enforcing IPR (intellectual property rights) in 20 countries from Brazil to Vietnam as well as contact information for local IPR offices. Links to information provided by U.S. embassies in specific countries.

Sector-specific standards and regulations

Export Quality Management: A Guide for Small and Medium-sized Exporters


European Commission

Descriptions of the trade barriers in non-EU countries, including customs procedures, government procurement, services-specific measures, quantitative restrictions (quotas), sanitary and phytosanitary measures, etc. Search by country and barrier type, or industry sector.

Food exports

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

CFIA inspects dairy products, fish and seafood, foods regulated solely under the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, meat and poultry products, and processed products (fruits, vegetables and maple products). CFIA verifies that exported food and food products meet Canadian requirements (where applicable) as well as those of the importing country. See also An Exporter’s Guide to Inspection.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - business education

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

This page summarizes the basic steps of understanding how to comply with consumer product safety regulations. Provides links to guide businesses through the process of complying with federal government safety regulations, as well as a link to the Regulated Products Handbook, and individual products guides.

Regulations, laws and standards - U.S.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Click on Regulations, Mandatory Standards and Bans to find CPSC product safety standards or guidance using an alphabetical lookup table. Lists those product types for which the CPSC has issued a government mandatory standard, ban or other regulation, or guidance.

Manufacturer’s Guide to Developing Consumer Product Instructions

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Helps manufacturers develop instructional materials related to consumer products. Examples include owner’s manuals, assembly instructions, repair and recall information.

Importing food products into the United States

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Food products can be imported into the U.S. if the facilities that produce, store or otherwise handle the products are registered with FDA, and prior notice of shipments is provided to FDA. Imported food products are subject to FDA inspection at U.S. ports of entry. Links to Procedures and Requirements for Importing Food Products, Importing Food Gifts for Personal Use, Importing Seafood, and Updates.

Food Labelling Guide - U.S.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

This guide provides U.S. federal guidelines on labelling as it relates to the food sector. Covers ingredient lists, nutrition labelling, and claims.

Environmental marketing - U.S.

U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Provides guidance on “green” advertising claims. This page links to the FTC’s revised Green Guides, as they appeared in the U.S. Federal Register, and to a four-page summary. The Green Guides were issued for marketers, and cover the general principles that apply to all environmental marketing claims, how consumers are likely to interpret particular claims and how marketers can substantiate these claims, and how marketers can qualify their claims to avoid deceiving consumers.

Clothing and textiles - U.S.

U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

How to comply with requirements for labelling products made of specific materials such as cotton or rayon made from bamboo, attaching care instructions to garments, and declaring the fibre content and country of origin.

Six Steps to CE Marking (European Union)

Trade Commissioner Service

The CE mark indicates that products meet all applicable European health, safety, performance and environmental requirements. Topics include finding the applicable CE directive(s) and essential requirements, certification, documentation, and declaration of conformity. (Registration required.)

Product safety standards in the European Union

European Commission

The General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) provides a generic definition of a safe product. Products must comply with this definition. This page includes links to sector-specific legislation and other related legislation (food imitating products, such as soap, candles).

Summaries of EU legislation - product labelling and packaging

European Union

Summaries of EU legislation in areas of consumer product labelling, including geographic indications (e.g. parmesan), genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and nutrition, packaging, eco-labels (“green” labels), textile products, etc. (select Consumers then Product labelling and packaging)

EU Guidance Document - Food

European Commission

This guidance document is sub-titled Key questions related to import requirements and the EU rules on food hygiene and official food controls. Provides a general framework for official controls performed by the EU member states to verify compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare.

Green claims guidance - UK


The purpose of the Green Claims Guidance document is to promote the use of clear, accurate and relevant environmental claims in marketing and advertising. This page provides links to a brief guide to making a good environmental claim as well as the guidance document.

Food labelling and packaging - UK


Contents include: Overview; Food labelling – what you must show; Ingredients list; Food and drink warnings; Nutrition, health claims and supplement labelling; and Organic food.

ISO members

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO is a network of national standards bodies. Use the interactive map on this page to access profiles of national standards agencies by country, contact information and local websites.