Acute drug toxicity
An acute intoxication/toxicity death resulting from the direct contribution of consumed substance(s).
Agency-based nursing staff
Nursing staff who are employed by an external employer outside of the Ministry of the Solicitor General.
Cause of death
The medical cause of death as determined through the death investigation.
Coroner's Inquest
An inquest is a public hearing conducted by a coroner before a jury of five community members to inform the public about the circumstances of a death through an objective examination of facts. At the conclusion of an inquest, the five-person jury often makes recommendations aimed at helping to prevent further deaths.
Correctional Officer
Correctional Officers (COs) work in correctional facilities to ensure the security and custody of persons-in-custody in Ontario correctional centres, detention centres and jails.
Correctional Services
Headed by the Deputy Solicitor General, Correctional Services, Correctional Services establishes, maintains, operates and monitors adult correctional institutions and probation and parole offices. 
Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations (CSOI)
Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations (CSOI) is the intelligence and investigative body of the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General. CSOI is responsible for providing intelligence support and conducting investigations, pursuant to section 22 of the Ministry of Correctional Services Act.
Death in custody/in-custody death
A death that has occurred within a provincial correctional facility, including deaths that have occurred outside of a facility (e.g., at a hospital) where the event or injury leading to death took place within a provincial institution.
Family Support Liaison
The Family Support Liaison (FSL) is a position within the Human Rights Unit of Correctional Services aimed at supporting families in the event of a death in custody.
Federal sentence
Sentences of two years or more, served in federal penitentiaries.
Fixed-term employee
An employee with a non-permanent employment contract that specifies an end date.
A term used to refer to situations where persons-in-custody are locked in their cells as a result of staffing shortages, administrative reasons, or emergency or other security purposes.
Manner of death
The category of death as determined by a coroner. The manner of death is provided as natural, accident, homicide, suicide or undetermined.
Maximum security
The highest level of security within Ontario Corrections. Maximum security correctional facilities and units are designed to house persons-in-custody who present a greater threat to the safety of the public and/or who require a higher degree of supervision while in custody.
The median is the middle value of a data set. This means that 50% of data points have a value smaller or equal to the median, and 50% of data points have a value higher or equal to the median.
Ministry of the Solicitor General
The Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN) is one of the Ontario government’s largest ministries, responsible for the areas of Community Safety, Correctional Services and the Ontario Provincial Police.
Native Inmate Liaison Officer (NILO)
Native Inmate Liaison Officers (NILOs) act to facilitate communication between Indigenous people in custody, their families, institutional staff and other community resources. They develop, organize and coordinate cultural and spiritual programming for persons-in-custody and act as a resource to assist with the admission and release of Indigenous persons-in-custody.
Opioid agonist therapy (OAT)
An evidence-based approach for treating opioid use disorder (OUD), involving the use of oral or injectable medications (i.e., methadone, buprenorphine, or slow-release oral morphine) to prevent withdrawal, cravings or other opioid use.
Opioid use disorder (OUD)
A medical condition associated with cravings for opioids that may lead to chronic use of opioids and behaviours that may interfere with the activities of daily life.
Provincial correctional facility
Provincial institutions that house adults who have been sentenced provincially to a maximum of two years less a day, adults on remand (awaiting trial or sentencing), adults being held for immigration hearings or deportation, and adults awaiting transfer to federal institutions to serve sentences of two years or more.
Provincial sentence
Terms of imprisonment of two years less a day, or conditional sentences of up to two years less a day. Provincial sentences are served in provincial correctional facilities (i.e., correctional centres, detention centres, intermittent centres, treatment centres or jails).
Individuals on remand are persons-in-custody who are awaiting trial, sentencing or other proceedings.
Security Assessment for Evaluating Risk (SAFER)
The Security Assessment for Evaluating Risk (SAFER) is a classification tool for evaluating a person’s risk for misconduct at the time of admission and throughout their term of incarceration. 
Any type of custody where an inmate is in highly restricted conditions for 22 to 24 hours or does not receive a minimum of two hours meaningful social interaction each day, excluding circumstances of an unscheduled lockdown.
Correctional Sergeants supervise correctional officers and manage the day-to-day operations within correctional facilities.