Information about the communities:

  • The population in First Nations communities that experienced fires were younger than average compared to the population of non-First Nations people in Ontario
  • Several communities reported over-crowding in their place of residence (more then 1 person per room) (Census 2016, Statistics Canada)
  • Many communities reported living in a residence in need of major repair (Census 2016, Statistics Canada)
  • 85% of communities had an elementary school and 15% had a high school in the community. Distance education is available in an additional 40% of the communities.
  • Knowledge of First Nations languages vary by communities (Census 2016, Statistics Canada).

Median age of population, 2016 Census

First Nations communities that experienced fatal fires (N=16)

  • Median Age: 25
  • Minimum median age: 18
  • Maximum median age: 34

First Nations People in Ontario

  • Median Age: 34

Proportion of households report overcrowding in dwelling, 2016 Census

First Nations communities that experienced fatal fires (N=16)

  • Median value of % of households reported experiencing overcrowding: 33%
  • Minimum value of % of households reported experiencing overcrowding: 9%
  • Maximum value of % of households reported experiencing overcrowding: 60%

First Nations People in Ontario

  • Median value of % of households reported experiencing overcrowding: Not reported

Note: Four communities did not participate in the 2016 Census. In communities that did participate in the 2016 Census, not all households may have participated. For the communities that did not participate in the 2016 Census, some variables were provided directly by the First Nations communities.

Proportion living in a dwelling in need of major repairsfootnote *, 2016 Census

First Nations communities that experienced fatal fires (N=16)

  • Median value of % of households reported dwelling in need of major repairs: 42%
  • Minimum value of % of households reported dwelling in need of major repairs: 10%
  • Maximum value of % of households reported dwelling in need of major repairs: 82%

First Nations People in Ontario

  • Median value of % of households reported dwelling in need of major repairs: 20%

Proportion of population with knowledge of First Nations languages, 2016 Census

First Nations communities that experienced fatal fires (N=16)

  • Median value of % community with knowledge of First Nations languages:44%
  • Minimum value of % community with knowledge of First Nations languages: 3%
  • Maximum value of % community with knowledge of First Nations languages: 96%

First Nations People in Ontario

  • Median value of % community with knowledge of First Nations languages:40%

Note: Median for all communities with available information that experienced a fire is reported and the range of minimum and maximum values are shown with the additional black line bar.


  • footnote[*] Back to paragraph Both community information from First Nations communities and 2016 Census included