We gratefully acknowledge the support and contributions of the following people and groups to this review:

Technical experts of the working group

  • James Sproule – OCC – Deputy Chief Coroner - Executive Lead
  • Douglas Browne – OFM – Deputy Fire Marshal - Executive Lead
  • Ross Nichols – OFM – Former Fire Marshal - Former Executive Lead
  • Michael Wilson – OCC – Regional Supervising Coroner
  • Tara Dadgostari – OCC – Project Manager
  • Regan Murray – OCC – Data Analysis
  • Andrew Stephen – OCC – Information Management Lead
  • Kona Williams – OFPS – Forensic Pathologist
  • Kathy Gruspier – OFPS – Forensic Anthropologist
  • Jeffrey Dick – OFM - Fire Protection Specialist – Issues Management
  • Manny Garcia – OFM - Quality Assurance and Risk Management Supervisor
  • Matthew Miller – Ontario Native Fire Fighters Society – Fire Chief
  • Michael McKay – Nishnawbe Aski Nation – Infrastructure & Housing
  • Daniel Nadeau – Ontario Provincial Police – Investigation and Support Bureau
  • Kate Forget – Ministry of the Attorney General – Indigenous Justice Division
  • Anne Scotton – Department of Indigenous Services Canada - Ontario Region – Federal Partner

Elders and knowledge keepers of the advisory group

  • David Meekis – Deer Lake First Nation
  • Connie Gray McKay – Mishkeegogamang First Nation
  • Adrian Chrisjohn – Oneida Nation of the Thames
  • Dean Peters – Pikangikum First Nation
  • Norma General-Lickers – Six Nations of the Grand River
  • Tommy Sainnawap – Wunnumin Lake First Nation

Elder Helen Cromarty

Aliesha Arndt – Ministry of the Attorney General – Indigenous Justice Division

Culture and mental health support

  • Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
  • Department of Indigenous Services Canada - First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
  • Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP)
  • Ontario Provincial Police - Indigenous Policing Bureau
  • Ontario Provincial Police - Provincial Liaison Team

Data sources

  • Environment Canada
  • First Nations Communities
  • Department of Indigenous Services Canada - Ontario Region
  • Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services - Social Assistance Analytics Unit
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation
  • Office of the Chief Coroner
  • Office of the Fire Marshal
  • Sioux Lookout Area Aboriginal Management Board
  • Statistics Canada