Ontario Forensic Pathology Service (OFPS)

Under the Coroners Act, the chief forensic pathologist administers and operates the OFPS. Specifically, the chief forensic pathologist:

  • supervises and directs pathologists in the provision of services
  • conducts programs for the instruction of pathologists
  • prepares, publishes and distributes a code of ethics
  • maintains a register of pathologists authorized to provide services

The deputy chief forensic pathologists have all the powers and authorities of the chief forensic pathologist in the event the chief forensic pathologist is absent or unable to act, or if the chief forensic pathologist’s position becomes vacant. The deputy chief forensic pathologists also support the chief forensic pathologist in the administration, oversight and quality management of the OFPS.

Provincial Forensic Pathology Unit

The forensic pathologists of the PFPU perform approximately 3,500 autopsies per year, mainly from the Greater Toronto Area. The PFPU is affiliated with the University of Toronto and is the central referral facility for many complex autopsies from across the province, including homicides, skeletal remains and suspicious infant and child deaths. The medical director of the PFPU reports to the chief forensic pathologist.

The operation of the PFPU includes professional and technical roles in addition to forensic pathologists. These include forensic anthropologists, pathologist assistants, technologists and imaging specialists, as well as administrative and management personnel.

Forensic Pathology Units

Forensic Pathology Units are located in university teaching hospitals in Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury. These units provide expertise in forensic pathology for approximately 3,500 routine and complex autopsies annually, including homicides and pediatric cases. The Ministry of the Solicitor General, through the OFPS, provides funding to these units.

Complex forensic autopsies are performed by qualified forensic pathologists, most of whom work at a Forensic Pathology Unit or at the PFPU in Toronto. Some non-suspicious pediatric autopsies are performed at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa. Perinatal autopsies are also performed at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Occasionally, pediatric forensic cases from Northwestern Ontario are transferred to Winnipeg for autopsy by pathologists registered in Ontario.

Community hospitals

Pathologists working in 17 community hospitals support the work of the OFPS by conducting routine medico-legal autopsies in their facilities on a fee-for-service basis.