The OFPS has a joint five-year strategic plan (2015-2020) with the OCC that sets out four priorities to guide the death investigation system in Ontario:

  1. A sustainable and effectively resourced system: Provincial complement of highly-qualified expert resources, supported by modern processes, systems, infrastructure, and technology.
  2. Effective, relevant and reliable services: System delivers effective and efficient investigation and certification of deaths, and high-quality forensic medicine and autopsy services.
  3. Leverage data, build knowledge and provide education: Robust data creates knowledge and drives education and innovation in death investigation and forensic medicine.
  4. Improve the health and safety of Ontarians: Enhanced review mechanisms and stronger partnerships contribute to a safer and healthier Ontario.

The OFPS also has a supporting implementation plan to follow its start-up plan (2009-2014) that responded to the Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology and amendments to the Coroners Act in 2009. The OFPS has addressed all the objectives outlined in its start-up plan to provide the basis for continued growth.

The plan focuses on capacity development and sustainability and establishes measurable objectives to implement the four strategic priorities of the OFPS/OCC plan.

In total, the OFPS committed to 43 objectives, all of which have been implemented.