Death review processDescription
Interim Paediatric Death Review Committee-Children and Youth for Indigenous children and youthThis interim process provides an Indigenous-specific approach, broadens the review beyond child welfare to include education, children’s mental health, and youth justice, and supports the incorporation of systemic and structural realities into the analysis and final recommendations. This review committee includes Elders and knowledge keepers, individuals from the Association of Native Child and Family Services Agencies of Ontario, members from Ontario Indigenous child and family well-being agencies, the Indigenous Justice Division, and the Office of the Children’s Lawyer.
Interim Paediatric Death Review Committee-Children and YouthThe Interim PDRC-CY review process broadens the review beyond child welfare and includes a core team of individuals from the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, MCCSS regional representation, child welfare, youth justice, education, Office of the Children’s Lawyer and the Ministry of Health. In addition, individuals who hold specialized knowledge specifically relevant to the death are also invited. The process strives to be trauma-informed, intersectional, and anti-oppressive.
Local Reviews  co-developed through First Nation led ProtocolsWhen requested, CYDRA is actively engaging with the First Nations to develop local protocols for death review processes ensuring that the death reviews for First Nation children and youth respect the inherent rights and jurisdiction of First Nations. Local death review protocols are centered upon recognizing the sacredness of the death review work, honoring the lives of children and youth and learning what their lives continue to teach us while incorporating anti-racism and anti-colonial processes into death review.
Local Death ReviewsAn intersectoral approach in which individuals who worked directly with the child/youth are brought together in addition to individuals with specialized knowledge specifically relevant to the death to  review the journey of the deceased child or youth. The family perspective is presented in the table as an integral part of the review process.
Expert ReviewsIn cases where specific sectors are intricately involved and/or there are complex technical aspects, CYDRA may engage a subject matter expert who can review and provide analysis of specific records, information and provide analysis that speaks to the issues that impacted the life of the child or the young person (for example, medication reviews, psychiatrist records, various types of educational and mental health assessments).
Other Death Review ProcessesTo learn more about the deaths of children or youth and inform system changes, other processes may be considered including aggregate reviews relating to a systemic issue, requests for internal reviews, review of policy, case conferences with the agency staff and others.