The OPS has continued to drive accountability for meeting diversification goals by:

Posting five-year targets

All ministries’ targets for diversifying leadership pathways have been posted on internal webpages and can be accessed across the OPS.

Holding deputy ministers accountable using annual scorecards

Deputy Minister Diversity and Inclusion Scorecards are being used to inform performance assessment conversations between the Secretary of the Cabinet and deputy ministers. Scorecards track key diversity and inclusion outcomes, and progress made to achieve annual targets for leadership pathways.

In 2020-21, disaggregated race-based data for ministry leadership teams was added to scorecards. This enhancement supports more targeted accountability for the development and advancement of Indigenous, Black and other racialized employees in the OPS.

Transparent ministry reporting on annual outcomes and progress

Starting in 2020-21, ministries are required to share their annual outcomes and progress with all their staff. Ministries are sharing the socio-demographic makeup of their leadership teams (including race-based data) and progress on reaching their annual targets for leadership pathways.

Reporting on OPS-wide progress

The release of annual reports is an intentional action to communicate progress and invites all Ontarians to hold their government accountable to being more representative of the province. Annual public reporting on the provincial government’s progress on anti-racism initiatives also includes a section on increasing the representation of Indigenous, Black and other racialized employees in pathways to leadership.