Section overview

The Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 regulates the security industry. As such, security guards must be familiar with the act to ensure that they follow the Act and its regulations, including the Code of Conduct and associated prohibitions. The trainer introduces the legislation to the student by outlining all relevant components and explaining the Code of Conduct.

Suggested duration

In class: 2 hours
Outside class: 3 hours

Minimum requirements

  1. Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005
    • explain an individual's responsibility regarding licensing, including the licensing process and mandatory requirements
    • describe the general duties, standards, practices, regulations and prohibitions
    • explain the requirement to produce a licence
  2. Code of Conduct
    • explain the relevant components and the consequences of failing to comply
    • define complaint procedures


This section introduces the student to his/her responsibilities as a security guard under the PSISA. The trainer provides instruction on all the relevant requirements of the act and Code of Conduct, the consequences for non-compliance and public complaint procedures. The authority to act as a security guard should also be discussed.

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. pre-reading of the relevant sections of the PSISA and Code of Conduct
  2. lecture on the elements of the act and code
  3. discussion group for clarification of inappropriate behaviours
  4. learning journal

Suggested training evaluation for section

A quiz on the relevant sections of the PSISA and Code of Conduct.