Section overview

Security guards often interact with the public on a daily basis. It is important they approach individuals with respect to avoid any biases that may impact how they interrelate with others. The trainer addresses prejudices against ethnic backgrounds, persons with mental or physical disabilities and gender and sexual orientation.

Suggested duration

In class: 3 hours
Outside class: 2 hours

Minimum requirements

Discuss the following issues:

  1. recognizing one’s own biases and describing how these can influence situations
  2. recognizing the impact of mental, physical, cultural and sexual differences on situational dynamics


Security guards may be required to interact with diverse groups of individuals on a regular basis. The trainer introduces the concept of respect for differences, identifies potential issues that may arise when dealing with a variety of people (e.g. communication difficulties, misinterpretation of gestures) and how to approach individuals in a way that minimizes miscommunication.

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. self-assessment of the student’s biases (present the student with scenarios and ask him/her to describe their thoughts)
  2. lecture focused on how biases impact behaviour
  3. learning journal with reflection on own biases and how to keep them in check

Suggested training evaluation for section

A short quiz focused on human biases and how they can influence behaviour and alter situations.