Section overview

Security guards are required to complete written reports of occurrences, duties performed, and comprehensive descriptions of their tasks/observations. The trainer instructs the student how to write reports that are objective and standardized.

Suggested duration

In class: 2 hours
Outside class: 2 hours

Minimum requirements

Discuss the following elements of report writing:

  • how to record relevant factual data and circumstances in a notebook
  • the different types and purposes of reports
  • recognizing legal implications of reports and confidentiality
  • incorporating who, what, where, when, why and how in report writing
  • how to take a statement
  • identifying the appropriate method of communication to report an issue


Security guards are required to write a variety of reports for different audiences. It is imperative that reports are written in a clear, standardized format to ensure information is conveyed accurately and without bias. The trainer discusses:

  • the importance of using a notebook and the rules and format for taking accurate notes
  • different types of reports depending on the situation (e.g. incident, use of force, witness statements)
  • the basic elements of report writing (e.g. date, time, location, actions/behaviours, description of individuals, observations, time of completion, etc.)
  • content of reports (e.g. factual information only)
  • the legal implications of reports (e.g. necessary for audits or evidence in court)
  • the difference between statements and reports
  • how to properly distribute reports (e.g. problems with e-mailing confidential reports)

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. pre-reading of sample reports
  2. lecture on the different types of reports/templates
  3. lecture on the elements of an objective report (e.g. focus on factual information, written in third person, avoids use of emotional terms, avoids introspection, presents the information in a clear and concise manner)
  4. report analysis exercise: detect and discuss in small groups problems with reports, missing information, bias, etc.
  5. learning journal

Suggested training evaluation for section

A one-page report where the student summarizes a recent work related incident (that can be shared without identifying information).