Chapter: Facilities, Equipment and Design
Section: F.A.1 Building Exterior
Sub-Section: N/A


The regulatory requirements contained in this guideline will be met when:

F.A.1 (01) The fish processing plant is not located in close proximity to incompatible activities or other things or conditions that are likely to contaminate the fish products, ingredients, labelling materials or packaging materials at the plant, or the appropriate controls are in place to address the incompatible activity or condition. (Risk Ranking: Medium)

F.A.1 (02) The fish processing plant is readily accessible and free of debris, refuse and other things or conditions that are likely to contaminate fish products, ingredients, labelling materials or packaging materials. (Risk Ranking: Medium)

F.A.1 (03) The fish processing plant is protected against the entry of pests. (Risk Ranking: High)


The external environment immediately surrounding a fish processing plant may be a source of hazards that could interfere with its hygienic operation and result in contamination of fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials.

Incompatible activities

The fish processing plant must not be located in close proximity to activities that are incompatible with the hygienic operation of the plant and conditions that are likely to contaminate the plant. If conditions exist that are incompatible with the hygienic operations of the plant, appropriate controls must be implemented to address those incompatible activities or conditions.


Good drainage surrounding a fish processing plant will help to prevent contamination of the plant and its water source. Land should be graded and sloped to help water flow away from the plant to maintain proper drainage. Dust from roadways and parking areas should be controlled by paving or applying appropriate treatments to these surfaces to provide adequate dust control and reduce the risk of contaminants entering the plant.

Controlling pests

Fish processing plants must be designed, constructed and equipped to minimize or eliminate any points of entry for pests. For example, screening external openings, such as air intakes, may help prevent pests from entering the plant.

Operators must also ensure that the fish processing plant is accessible and maintained in a hygienic condition that does not contribute to pest activity. This includes:

  • preventing the accumulation of debris and refuse,
  • ensuring regular removal of potential food sources for pests (for example, food waste, inedible materials, standing water) inside the plant and the surrounding premises,
  • preventing and removing vegetation around the building exterior. For example, uncontrolled vegetation serving as a pest harbourage point can be controlled by maintaining a gravel strip around the perimeter of the building that is a minimum of one meter wide.

Regulatory references

Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001; O. Reg. 465/19 s. 15,16(1)(f)

    1. A fish processing plant must be,
      1. readily accessible; and
      2. free of debris, refuse and other things or conditions that may interfere with its hygienic operation or are likely to contaminate fish products, ingredients, labelling materials or packaging materials.
    2. Subject to subsection (3), a fish processing plant must not be located in close proximity to any place where,
      1. activities are performed that are incompatible with the hygienic operation of the plant; or
      2. things or conditions exist that are likely to contaminate fish products, ingredients, labelling materials or packaging materials at the plant.
    3. Subsection (2) does not apply if appropriate controls are in place to address the activities, things or conditions referred to in clause (2) (a) or (b), as the case may be.
    1. A fish processing plant must be designed, constructed and equipped in a manner that,
      1. protects against the entry of pests