Chapter: Operations & Documentation
Section: Records
Sub-Section: F.B.6 Accurate Information


The regulatory requirements contained in this guideline will be met when:

F.B.6 (01) Records (electronic, written or otherwise) are complete, accurate, legible, and kept in chronological order without any false or misleading information. (Risk Ranking: Medium)


Documentation of the activities and processes at a fish processing operation has a critical role in the hygienic processing of fish products.

Records (for example, process control records, sanitation records, and pest control records) provide evidence of events or activities that occurred and their outcomes. Process control records must be completed at the time that the process control procedures are preformed and monitored. All other records must be completed on the same day the activities are performed. Records must be complete, accurate and legible.


Falsification occurs when someone alters, conceals, destroys, or modifies a record with the intent to deceive or obstruct an inspector.

Examples of falsification include, but are not limited to:

  • making a false or misleading entry,
  • purposely omitting an entry,
  • altering a record or the information contained in a record for the purpose of deception.

Accidental omissions of information are not considered falsification of records; however, care should be taken to ensure that records are comprehensive and complete.

Regulatory references

Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001; O. Reg. 465/19 s. 10 (1) (1.) (2.), 13(3), 61 and Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001 s. 15 (5), s. 24 (1) (2) (a) (ii) (f) (4):

    1. For the purposes of subsection 5 (4) of the Act, a licence issued under the Act to engage in a licensed activity referred to in subsection 6 (1) of this Regulation is subject to the following conditions:
      1. The licensee shall comply with the Act, this Regulation and every order or direction of a director or an inspector made under the Act.
      2. The licensee shall ensure that the operation of the fish processing plant used by the fish processing operation is carried on in accordance with this Regulation and every order or direction of a director or inspector made under the Act.
    1. No labelling material or packaging material for a fish product may contain any wording or representations that are false, misleading or deceptive.
  1. Any records required to be created and stored under this Regulation must be legible, complete and kept in chronological order.
    1. No person shall obstruct an inspector who is exercising powers under this section or provide an inspector with false or misleading information.
    1. An inspector may, without warrant or court order, enter and inspect any premises in accordance with this section if,
      1. the inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the premises is used for the purpose of carrying on a regulated activity; and
      2. the inspector is conducting the inspection for the purpose of determining whether a person is carrying on a regulated activity in accordance with this Act and the regulations.
    2. In an inspection under this section, an inspector may,
      1. demand the production of,
        1. any books, records or other documents related to the source, use or disposition of the thing mentioned in subclause (i) or copies of extracts from the books, records or other documents;
      1. inquire into all information, records and other matters that are relevant to any food, agricultural or aquatic commodity, agricultural input or other thing used in carrying on a regulated activity.
    1. Subsections 15 (5) to (12) apply to an inspection under this section.