Chapter: Operations and Documentation
Section: F.B.17 Labelling and Packaging
Sub-Section: N/A


The regulatory requirements contained in this guideline will be met when:

F.B.17 (01) Every fish product that is packaged or repackaged by the operation has a label that includes the production date of the product or a code that identifies the production lot of the product. (Risk Ranking: High)

F.B.17 (02) Labelling and packaging materials are suitable for their intended purpose, are durable, and are stored and handled in a manner that minimizes their risk of contamination. (Risk Ranking: High)

F.B.17 (03) Products are labelled in accordance with the regulations before being shipped from the plant. (Risk Ranking: High)

F.B.17 (04) The required label or packaging information is legible, true, and not misleading or deceptive. (Risk Ranking: Medium)


Labels provide important information to the users about a product. Fish products must be labelled in a manner that is:

  • true and not misleading or deceptive, and
  • legible under normal conditions of sale and use.

Provincial Labelling Requirements

Packaged and/or repackaged fish products must include on the label or packaging material:

  • The production date of the product or a code that identifies the production lot of the product.
  • A statement that the product requires cooking before consumption, and comprehensive cooking instructions whenever the product appears to be ready-to-eat or could be mistaken for a ready-to-eat fish product.
  • Storage instructions, such as “Keep refrigerated” or “Keep frozen”, as appropriate.

A licensed fish processing operation may include their license number issued under the Act on a fish product label or package if the operation puts the final packaging material on the fish product.

Licensed operators are also responsible for ensuring compliance with federal labelling requirements, such as:

  • net quantity
  • ingredients list
  • allergen declaration
  • identification of principle place of business
  • bilingual and nutritional labelling, etc.

Contact the local CFIA office or refer to the CFIA industry labelling tool for more guidance on federal labelling requirements.

Packaging Materials

Packaging provides a physical barrier that protects food products from contamination. Packaging material that comes in direct contact with food must be food-grade to ensure it does not impart odours, flavours or colours to the food.

Key food safety considerations for labelling or packaging materials include:

  • selecting appropriate packaging materials that are suitable for the intended purpose and free of contaminants,
  • ensuring they are sufficiently durable under the conditions of use,
  • protecting packaging materials from contamination during handling and storage.

Regulatory References

  • Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001; O. Reg. 465/19 s. 13(2)(3), 35(a), 54
      1. A fish processing operation may include the licence number referred to in subsection (1) on the labelling material or packaging material for a fish product if the operation puts the final packaging material on the fish product.
      2. No labelling material or packaging material for a fish product may contain any wording or representations that are false, misleading or deceptive.
    1. The operator of a fish processing operation in respect of which a licence is required under this Regulation shall ensure that every area of a fish processing plant used by the operation is operated and maintained in a manner that,
      1. facilitates the hygienic processing, packaging, labelling, handling, shipping, receiving and storing of fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials;
      1. The operator of a fish processing operation in respect of which a licence is required under this Regulation shall ensure that every fish product that is packaged or repackaged by the operation has a label that provides the production date of the product or a code that identifies the production lot of the product.
      2. The operator shall ensure that every label required by this Regulation is legible to any person under normal or customary conditions of sale or use of the product.
      3. The operator shall ensure that with respect to a fish product that is not a ready-to-eat fish product but has the appearance of or could be mistaken for a ready-to-eat fish product, the labelling or packaging materials used for the product,
        1. state that the product requires cooking before consumption; and
        2. include comprehensive cooking instructions.
      4. The operator shall ensure that with respect to a fish product that requires refrigeration or freezing, any labelling or packaging materials used for the product state that the product requires refrigeration or freezing, as the case may be.
      5. The operator shall ensure that all labelling materials and packaging materials are,
        1. durable and suitable for their intended purpose; and
        2. stored and handled in a manner that minimizes the risk of their contamination.