Chapter: Facilities, Equipment and Design
Section: Building Interior
Sub-Section: F.A.4 Washroom Facilities, Hand Washing Stations, and Changing Areas


The regulatory requirements contained in this guideline will be met when:

F.A.4 (01) The fish processing plant has access to at least one washroom that is in good working order and is available for use by the plant employees and inspectors. (Risk Ranking: Low)

F.A.4 (02) Any washroom located within the fish processing plant is equipped with at least one toilet and hand washing station, enclosed by floor to ceiling walls and full-length doors, equipped with stalls that lock from the inside or a door that locks from the inside if the washroom only has one toilet, and is designed, constructed and equipped so that it can be kept clean, sanitary and ventilated to the outside of the plant. (Risk Ranking: Medium)

F.A.4 (03) Any washroom located within the fish processing plant is located to minimize the risk of contamination of fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials. (Risk Ranking: Medium)

F.A.4 (04) The fish processing plant has an area for the hygienic storage of clothing outside of the washroom. (Risk Ranking: Medium)

F.A.4 (05) There is convenient access to a hand washing station in every area in the fish processing plant where fish products or ingredients are processed, handled, packaged, labelled, stored, shipped or received, or where inedible materials or refuse are handled or stored. (Risk Ranking: High)

F.A.4 (06) Each hand washing station has hot and cold running potable water, a soap dispenser containing liquid or other dispensable soap, a method for drying hands that minimizes the risk of contamination of the fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials, and a posted notice instructing users to clean their hands using soap and water. (Risk Ranking: High)

F.A.4 (07) The fish processing plant has a separate changing room or area for any person who enters an area where fish products and ingredients are processed, packaged, labelled, handled or stored. (Risk Ranking: Medium)

F.A.4 (08) The changing room or area is capable of being kept clean and sanitary, is lit and ventilated, and is equipped with furnishings or subject to operational procedures that minimize the risk of clothing and personal belongings contaminating fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials. (Risk Ranking: Medium)


Washrooms, handwashing stations, and a designated changing room or area permit effective employee hygiene.

Washroom facilities

Employees of a fish processing plant and any inspector present at the plant must have convenient access to a washroom that is in good working order. Washrooms should be close enough to the processing, handling and storage areas so that they can be readily accessed. If washroom facilities are not located within the plant, the operator should not rely on washrooms intended for use by customers of other businesses, such as gas stations or restaurants.

Any washroom that is located within a fish processing plant must be:

  • equipped with at least one toilet;
  • equipped with at least one hand washing station;
  • enclosed by floor to ceiling walls and full-length doors;
  • equipped with stalls that can be locked from the inside or, if the washroom only has one toilet, a door that can be locked from the inside;
  • designed, constructed and equipped so that it can be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition;
  • ventilated to the outside of the plant; and
  • located in an area of the plant that minimizes the risk of contamination.

Washroom facilities can be a source of contamination. Maintaining washrooms in a sanitary condition and separate from production areas reduces the risk of cross-contamination of fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials.

Washroom facilities must not be used to store clothing. The operator must ensure employees have access to an area for clothing storage outside of the washroom.

Hand washing stations

Proper hand washing with soap and warm water (35 to 43 degrees Celsius) is essential to protect food safety and minimize the risk of contamination; not only after using washroom facilities and upon entering processing, handling and storage rooms or areas, but also any time hands become contaminated (for example, after touching inedible materials).

A fish processing plant must provide convenient access to a hand washing station where fish products or ingredients are processed, handled, packaged, labelled, stored, shipped or received, or where inedible materials or refuse are handled or stored.

It is important that hand washing stations, particularly those in processing areas, be easily accessible and placed in convenient locations to encourage frequent use and good hygiene. Ideally, hand washing stations are located at the entrance to, or just inside, the processing, handling and storage rooms or areas so that employees must pass them and conveniently accessible to staff in operational areas.

Every hand washing station must provide:

  • hot and cold running potable water,
  • a soap dispenser containing liquid or other dispensable soap,
  • a method for drying hands that minimizes the risk of contamination, and
  • a notice posted that instructs users to clean their hands with soap and water.

Having hands-free (remote functioning or timed) hand washing stations helps to minimize cross-contamination because it eliminates the need to touch any surfaces until hands have been thoroughly cleaned.

Refer to the “PersonnelFPG for more information on hand washing.

Changing room or area

Pathogens that can cause foodborne illness are common in the natural environment and can easily contaminate clothing, shoes, and personal belongings such as phones, bags, water bottles, jewellery, medication, etc. These items are potential sources of contamination in a food processing environment.

As a first step in minimizing the risk of cross-contaminating fish products from outside contaminants, plants must have a changing room or area located separately from areas where fish products and ingredients are processed, packaged, labelled, handled or stored. Changing rooms or areas must be available for use by any person entering an area of the plant where fish products and ingredients are processed, packaged, labelled, handled or stored.

Changing rooms or areas should provide access to safe and hygienic storage of employee clothing and personal belongs to minimize risk of cross-contamination within the fish processing plant. Changing rooms or areas must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and must be lit and ventilated.

Regulatory references

Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001; O. Reg. 465/19 s.1, 20, 21, 22

  1. “hand washing station” means a station that has,
    1. hot and cold running potable water,
    2. a soap dispenser containing liquid or other dispensable soap,
    3. a method for hand drying that minimizes the risk of contamination of fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials, and
    4. a posted notice instructing users to clean their hands with soap and water; (“poste de lavage des mains”)
  1. With respect to every area in a fish processing plant where fish products or ingredients are processed, handled, packaged, labelled, stored, shipped or received, or where inedible materials or refuse are handled or stored, there must be convenient access to a hand washing station.
    1. A fish processing plant must have access to at least one washroom that is in good working order and that is available for the use of employees and any inspectors present at the plant.
    2. Any washroom that is located within the fish processing plant must be,
      1. equipped with at least one toilet;
      2. equipped with at least one hand washing station;
      3. enclosed by floor to ceiling walls and full-length doors;
      4. equipped with stalls that are capable of being locked from the inside or, if the washroom only has one toilet, a door that is capable of being locked from the inside;
      5.  designed, constructed and equipped in such a way so that it is capable of being kept clean, sanitary and ventilated to the outside of the plant; and
      6. located to minimize the risk of contamination of fish products, ingredients labelling materials and packaging materials.
    3. A fish processing plant must have an area for the hygienic storage of clothing outside of the washroom.
  2. A fish processing plant must have a changing area available for any person who enters an area of the plant where fish products and ingredients are processed, packaged, labelled, handled or stored that,
    1. is capable of being kept clean and sanitary;
    2. is lit and ventilated;
    3. is located in a separate room or in an area that is separate from the area where fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials are processed, packaged, labelled, handled or stored, as the case may be; and
    4. is equipped with such furnishings and subject to such operational procedures that minimize the risk of clothing and personal belongings contaminating fish products, ingredients, labelling materials and packaging materials.