Component: Community partnerships

Service objectives

  • To provide a safe and positive summer employment opportunity for youth that is reflective of the cultural diversity of the community
  • To enhance relationships between police and the communities they serve by developing a positive working relationship
  • To promote youth participation and exposure to the work environment through diverse, educational, and productive work assignments with the police service
  • To promote the Police Service as an employer of choice

Service description

People served


  • Age 15 -18 who are reflective of the cultural diversity of the community
  • Eligible to work in Canada
  • Who seek work experience/job skills training
  • Who may benefit from the support of a mentor
  • Who successfully complete the recruitment/background process Requiring mentorship relationship
  • Who are intending to return to school in September
  • Youth who will not be hired in a leadership, team lead or coordinator role for the YIPI service

Program/service features


  • A selection/recruitment process that addresses Police Services’ Human Resource administrative requirements for employment of youth and maximizes opportunities for at-risk youth
  • Providing work experience and life skills training
  • Providing an opportunity for youth to gain an overall understanding of the diverse work opportunities within Police Services
  • Promoting Police Services as an employer of choice
  • Assisting to develop and /or continuing to develop mentorship relationships between youth and Police Services
  • Youth will be provided with appropriate orientation and training prior to beginning their work assignments
  • Assigned tasks and responsibilities are relevant and productive
  • Youth will have an immediate supervisor/mentor at the local level where all issues and concerns will be communicated
  • Certificates will be issued to youth who successfully complete the Youth in Policing Initiative
  • Police Services' Human Resources personnel will coordinate the hiring process and the administrative aspects of the program. This may include facilitating meetings, tracking progress, delivering measurements of evaluation, organizing events, and completing the final report

Services will be

  • Reflective and responsive to the youth, family, and community strengths, needs, and align with other local services
  • Accountable to the youth, family, and community
  • Sensitive to the social, linguistic, and cultural diversity of families and communities
  • Staffed by individuals with the appropriate range of skills, abilities, and cultural competency necessary to respond effectively to the needs of youth
  • The support is based on the youth's assessed needs, preferences and available individual, agency, community, and contracted ministry resources
  • Aligned with Anti-Racism and human rights principles to challenge racism and oppression in all its forms

Governance, accountability, and service system

The service provider will deliver the programs and services in accordance with the requirements as outlined in

  • Relevant provisions of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA)
  • The service provider acknowledges that they will comply with all applicable requirements of the French Language Services Act (FLSA); however, Article A9.0 in the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement is not applicable to the Youth in Policing Initiative Summer and Youth in Policing Initiative After-school services within the Community Partnerships Component

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on in the Interim and Annual reports. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data Name Definition

# of Youth: Applicants to Summer YIPI Program

The number of youth who applied to the Summer YIPI Program.

# of Youth: Participants in Summer YIPI Program

The number of youth who participated to the Summer YIPI Program.

# of Youth Participants – Under-represented groups: Summer YIPI Program

The number of youth who participated in the YIPI After School program from under-represented groups, including at-risk, racialized, Black, and Indigenous youth.

# of Youth: Completed Summer YIPI Program

The number of youth who completed the Summer YIPI Program.

# of YIPI graduate re-hire: Summer YIPI Program

The number of youth who completed the YIPI Summer program and were re-hired by the police service into a civilian or constable position.

Youth in Policing Initiative: Summer: Ministry-funded Agency Expenditures

Total ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year.