Component: Prevention

Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA), 2017

Transfer Payment Recipients will follow the Youth Justice Services Manual (YJSM) that was first issued April 1, 2006, and all subsequent revisions. “Contents Applicable to All” and the “Transfer Payment Community Based Programs and Services” sections outline minimum requirements for the Transfer Payment Recipients.

Service description

  • Youth Justice Division’s Youth Violence and Human Trafficking Prevention Program (YJD-YVHTPP, or YVHTPP) is MCCSS’ contribution to the federal/provincial Guns, Gangs and Violence Reduction Strategy (GGVRS), a cross-government investment in local prevention, enforcement, and prosecution efforts across Ontario
  • YVHTPP supports community-based prevention initiatives that seek to address key factors that put youth (ages 12-29) and their communities at increased risk of violence and victimization, including human trafficking
  • Organizations eligible for funding include
    • Organizations that are located in one of the five YVHTPP target communities (Hamilton, London, Ottawa, City of Toronto, and Thunder Bay) and neighbouring Indigenous communities, and
    • Not-for-profit corporations, including not-for-profit social enterprises and registered charities, or
    • Indigenous communities (including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities) neighboring YVHTPP target communities

People served

  • Individuals (ages 12-29) at increased risk of violence and victimization, gang involvement, human trafficking
  • YVHTPP initiatives prioritize Black and Indigenous populations, and other youth populations that are at increased risk of experiencing violence and victimization, including human trafficking, including (but not limited to)
    • Gang-involved youth and youth at-risk of gun and gang violence
    • Youth in conflict with the law
    • Youth involved with, or transitioning out of, child welfare
    • Homeless and vulnerable youth
    • NEET youth (Not in Education or Employment)
    • 2SLGBTQQIA+ youth
    • Newcomer youth

Program/service features

YVHTPP integrates and utilizes one or more of YVHTPP’s service principles, below

  • Best practices: Draws on well-established service models and/or practices that are recognized as effective for supporting youth at risk of violence and victimization
  • Culturally relevant: Is culturally relevant to youth and communities served through the project and helps strengthen one’s ties to their community and culture
  • Client-centered and youth engaged: Prioritizes youth engagement and the individual interests and needs of youth and families. Clients are at the center of all aspects of the project and the project uses strategies to involve and empower youth to address, plan and make decisions about issues that affect them
  • Strengths-based and trauma-informed: Recognizes, supports, and builds on the strengths, skills, and protective factors of youth. The approach to service delivery reflects an understanding of trauma, and the impact traumatic experiences can have on human beings
  • Family and community focused: Includes and integrates family and/or community support in addressing the needs of the youth and fostering strengths. The project facilitates and/or leverages community partnerships, and/or facilitates service coordination to provide effective services to youth
  • Evaluation and knowledge dissemination: Seeks to evaluate the impact of the project and share knowledge and best practices across a wider community

Specific service provided

In total, eleven organizations receive funding for projects under this initiative to address risk factors for youth violence and victimization by providing

  • Culturally relevant youth violence and/or human trafficking prevention services (prioritizing services designed by and for Indigenous and Black individuals)
  • Intensive mental health, addictions, and crisis services
  • Supports to increase youth engagement and success in school and employment
  • Supports to help families respond to and support youth at risk of youth violence, victimization, and human trafficking
  • Supports that enhance youth access to pro-social activities, relationships, and positive role models (e.g., recreational activities, mentorship, leadership)
  • Supports that address the basic needs of youth (e.g., safety, housing, transportation, food)
  • Community-based crime, violence prevention and human trafficking education and awareness
  • Initiatives that enhance community partnerships and service coordination to improve community response to youth violence and victimization, including human trafficking

Program Goals

The YVHTPP contributes to the following outcomes

  • Decreased risk factors that contribute to youth violence and victimization, including human trafficking, and
  • Increased protective factors to build strengths, skills and resiliency in youth and families

The ministry has established 11 immediate project outcomes to affirm the intended goals and impacts of the funded initiatives. YVHTPP’s immediate outcomes, include

  • Increased safety and feelings of safety
  • Increased youth engagement and success in school and employment
  • Increased youth and family engagement with mental health supports
  • Increased supports for families
  • Increased access to pro-social activities
  • Increased opportunities to develop connections to positive peers and adults
  • Increased access to culturally relevant services
  • Increased pro-social behaviors and attitudes
  • Increased recognition of the impact of behaviours
  • Increased effective partnerships among service providers
  • Decrease in systemic barriers (e.g., racism, poverty, inter-generational trauma

Ministry expectations

  • Data reporting is to be completed bi-annually

Reporting Requirements

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Year-end period. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets. Please carefully read through all data elements for clarity and understanding of information being gathered.

Note some data elements, as indicated below, are not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Regional Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

Service Data Name Definition

# of Youth Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of individual youth (12-18) who received the approved service in the reporting year. A youth will be counted as follows:

One program start and completion in a fiscal year:

  • A youth is counted once in a fiscal year where the service is completed.

Multiple admissions in-year – same service/same program:

  • A youth is counted once if there is a break in service in the fiscal year and the youth re-enters the same program, with the same service provider
  • Same service is defined as a program delivered to a youth addressing one (original) change

Fiscal Year overlap:

  • A youth is counted once in each fiscal year where the service being provided begins in one fiscal year and continues into a new fiscal year.

# of Young Adults Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of individual young adults (19-29) who received the approved service in the reporting year. A young adult will be counted as follows:

One program start and completion in a fiscal year:

  • A young adult is counted once in a fiscal year where the service is completed.

Multiple admissions in-year – same service/same program:

  • A young adult is counted once if there is a break in service in the fiscal year and the young adult re-enters the same program, with the same service provider
  • Same service is defined as a program delivered to a young adult addressing one (original) change

Fiscal Year overlap:

  • A young adult is counted once in each fiscal year where the service being provided begins in one fiscal year and continues into a new fiscal year

# of Black Youth Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The number of individual youth (12-18) who received services in the reporting year who self-identified or self-declared as Black (e.g., African, Afro-Caribbean, African Canadian descent). A Black youth will be counted as follows:

One program start and completion in a fiscal year:

  • A youth is counted once in a fiscal year where the service is completed.

Multiple admissions in-year – same service/same program:

  • A youth is counted once if there is a break in service in the fiscal year and the youth re-enters the same program, with the same service provider
  • Same service is defined as a program delivered to a youth addressing one (original) change

Fiscal Year overlap:

  • A youth is counted once in each fiscal year where the service being provided begins in one fiscal year and continues into a new fiscal year

# of Black Young Adults Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The number of individual young adults (19-29) who received services in the reporting year who self-identified or self-declared as Black (e.g., African, Afro-Caribbean, African Canadian descent). A Black young adult will be counted as follows:

One program start and completion in a fiscal year:

  • A young adult is counted once in a fiscal year where the service is completed

Multiple admissions in-year – same service/same program:

  • A young adult is counted once if there is a break in service in the fiscal year and the young adult re-enters the same program, with the same service provider
  • Same service is defined as a program delivered to a young adult addressing one (original) change

Fiscal Year overlap:

  • A young adult is counted once in each fiscal year where the service being provided begins in one fiscal year and continues into a new fiscal year

# of Indigenous Youth Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The number of individual youth (12-18) who received services in the reporting year who self-identified or self-declared as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis descent. An Indigenous youth will be counted as follows:

One program start and completion in a fiscal year:

  • A youth is counted once in a fiscal year where the service is completed

Multiple admissions in-year – same service/same program:

  • A youth is counted once if there is a break in service in the fiscal year and the youth re-enters the same program, with the same service provider
  • Same service is defined as a program delivered to a youth addressing one (original) change

Fiscal Year overlap:

A youth is counted once in each fiscal year where the service being provided begins in one fiscal year and continues into a new fiscal year

# of Indigenous Young Adults Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The number of individual young adults (19-29) who received services in the reporting year who self-identified or self-declared as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis descent. An Indigenous young adult will be counted as follows:


One program start and completion in a fiscal year:

  • A young adult is counted once in a fiscal year where the service is completed

Multiple admissions in-year – same service/same program:

  • A young adult is counted once if there is a break in service in the fiscal year and the young adult re-enters the same program, with the same service provider
  • Same service is defined as a program delivered to a young adult addressing one (original) change

Fiscal Year overlap:

  • A young adult is counted once in each fiscal year where the service being provided begins in one fiscal year and continues into a new fiscal year

# of Family Members Served: YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of family members (i.e., parents, siblings, dependents, step-parents, step-siblings, grandparents, guardians) who received support services at some point during the fiscal year. If the family member carries into the next fiscal year, the family member is counted again in the new reporting period. This data element inludes ONLY family members of a youth/young adult receiving the service and does not include the youth/young adult receiving the service.

# of Hours of Direct Service to YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of staff hours spent in direct contact with youth (12-18) while providing services (includes virtual contact).

# of Hours of Direct Service to Young Adults: YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of staff hours spent in direct contact with young adults (19-29) while providing services (includes virtual contact).

# of Referrals Received: Youth:

The total number of referrals received by the program to collaborate/support services relevant to the program’s plan for the youth. Referrals are typically received from community agencies/services when a formal (written agreement) has been established.

# of Referrals Received: Young Adult:

The total number of referrals received by the program to collaborate/support services relevant to the program’s plan for the young adult. Referrals are typically received from community agencies/services when a formal (written agreement) has been established.

# of Referrals Made: Youth: YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of referrals made by the program to other community agencies/services to collaborate/support services relevant to the program’s plan for the youth. Referrals are typically made to community agencies/services where a formal (written agreement) has been established.

# of Referrals Made: Young Adult: YJD - YVHTPP

The total number of referrals made by the program to other community agencies/services to collaborate/support services relevant to the program’s plan for the young adult. Referrals are typically made to community agencies/services where a formal (written agreement) has been established.

# of advisory committee meetings attended with service providers: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of advisory committee meetings attended with service providers.

# of assessments: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of assessments conducted with families identifying required supports and barriers affecting their access to information, skills, and connections to facilitate their integration into society and the economy.

# of case management plans: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of case management plans developed.

# of counselling hours: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of hours spent by paid staff providing counselling to youth. Counselling refers to a scheduled appointment for formal counselling. Hours are reported from staff perspective from start time to end time.

This excludes documentation, preparation, and other activities with landlord, shelters, medical professionals, telephone calls to third parties, advocacy, that are performed on behalf of individuals.

# of families connected to community supports: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of families connected to community supports.

# of families receiving mental health programming: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of families receiving formal, therapeutic family programming/counselling directed toward sustaining improved parenting skills and family dynamics. For example, parental education and general supports in parenting, managing relationships, communication, and family discipline. Sessions can be individual or group.

# of family members receiving mental health programming: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of family members (i.e., parents, siblings, dependents, step-parents, step-siblings, grandparents, guardians) receiving formal, therapeutic family programming/counselling directed toward sustaining improved parenting skills and family dynamics. For example, parental education and general supports in parenting, managing relationships, communication, and family discipline. Sessions can be individual or group.

# of hours of mental health intervention: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of hours face to face or virtual with youth and young adults to provide individualized clinically oriented mental health treatment interventions intended to alleviate, reduce, or manage the client's mental illness or disorder, for example formal counselling interventions, psychotherapy, behavioural therapy, behavioural supervision, psychiatric consultation, and clinical social work.

# of mentorship matches: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of individual youth and young adult participants (mentees) who were matched and had at least one meeting with a mentor during the reporting period.

# of safety plans: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of safety plans created or reviewed with the agency’s assistance. Safety plans must be documented (not necessarily in client file). Safety planning can be provided at various stages including intake or crisis and may be completed in person or over the phone. A safety plan can be created, or an existing safety plan can be brought with the youth or young adult from another service provider and the plan is reviewed and updated with the assistance of the reporting agency, as required.

# of service provider organizations who received training and support services: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of service providers who received training. The purpose of training activities is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively identify and respond to human trafficking and provide culturally sensitive and trauma informed services and supports to Indigenous survivors.

# of service provider training and support activities: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of training and activities provided to other community organizations. Includes the provision of training for community-based mental health workers and/or professional mental health practitioners, to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to develop, implement, deliver, and evaluate effective programming for individuals, families, and communities in a coordinated manner. Training may address job-related or professional practice-related requirements. Inter-agency training may include orientation to Indigenous culture and cultural practices to improve services to Indigenous clients.

# of sessions/workshops/training activities: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of sessions, workshops, and training activities to assist localized responses to youth violence and victimization, including human trafficking. This includes:

  • Community education workshops
  • Information sessions
  • Awareness raising with local businesses
  • Art therapy sessions
  • Mental health sessions
  • Consultation and engagement with survivors – for example to gather information on survivor needs, local service gaps as well as locally-led best practices from a survivor perspective
  • Consultation and engagement with community members and local service providers – for example, to identify trafficking trends and targeted populations gaps in existing service delivery systems and opportunities to improve the coordination and delivery of services.

# of youth and young adults attending school: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults attending school as a result of programming.

# of youth and young adults attending traditional activities: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults that attended traditional activities (e.g., talking circles, youth, and elder reciprocal learning).

# of youth and young adults with completed life skills training: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults that have completed life skills training.

# of youth and young adults employed: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults that have received employment as a result of programming.

# of youth and young adults engaged in the media network: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults engaged in Uzima’s YVHTPP media network for the reporting period.

# of youth and young adults engaged with Inuit leaders and elders: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item

The number of youth and young adults that have engaged with Inuit leaders and elders

# of youth and young adults indicating feelings of increased safety both when departing for, as well as while attending post-secondary school: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults indicating increased safety or increased feelings of safety when departing for, as well as while attending post-secondary school due to program supports. This will be measured by 4 interviews for each youth or young adult:

  1. Baseline interview while in the community
  2. Departure interview prior to leaving the community
  3. Mid-year interview while in post-secondary school and
  4. End-year interview when the school year finishes.

# of youth and young adults involved in the Participatory Action Research (PAR) project: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults involved in the Participatory Action Research (PAR) project (e.g., photovoice).

# of sharing circles: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies.  Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of sharing circles attended by youth and young adults.

# of support plans originally created for youth and young adults: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of support plans originally created for youth and young adults. Each support plan developed for a youth or young adult is counted once each fiscal year.

# of youth and young adults indicating feeling a sense of engagement with their schools and/or newly relocated to communities: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults indicating that they feel a sense of engagement with their schools and/or communities. This could include participating in extracurricular school activities, connections to peer groups, volunteer opportunities, pro-social activities, employment, making friends, sports, music, art activities, etc.

# of youth and young adults participating in sessions/workshops/training activities: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of individuals participating in skill building or educational sessions/workshops/training to assist localized responses to youth violence and victimization, including human trafficking. Individuals are counted each time they attend a program within the fiscal year. If a program (a workshop or seminar) lasts more than one day, a person is counted once, whether or not the person attended more than one day or whether they attended only part of the workshop or seminar.

# of youth and young adults participating in the digital media library: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults participating in Uzima’s YVHTPP digital media library.

# of youth and young adults receiving education supports: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of youth and young adults receiving educational supports to assist them to achieve and maintain educational functioning. For example, education advocacy, educational supports in-class, tutoring, alternative educational programming.

A youth or young adult is counted once even if they are receiving more than one kind of education support.

# of youth and young adults receiving employment/vocational supports: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies.  Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The total number of youth or young adults receiving employment/vocational supports to assist them to achieve and maintain employment/vocational functioning. For example, job search, skills and strengths assessment, interview skills, resume writing, presentation skills, job skills training. A youth or young adult is counted once even if they are receiving more than one kind of employment/vocational support.

# of youth and young adult referrals made to culturally relevant services: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of referrals made for youth and young adults to culturally relevant services.

# of youth and young adult referrals made to mental health agencies/services: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

Referrals to mental health and/or addictions service providers (includes community-based or institutional service providers, Indigenous-specific and non- Indigenous programs).

# of youth and young adults’ referrals to basic needs supports: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults participating in the YVHTPP program referred to basic needs supports (food bank, housing, transportation).

# of youth and young adults volunteering in the community: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults the program has connected to volunteering opportunities

# of youth and young adults who received crisis intervention: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The number of youth and young adults for whom a record is created and who received crisis intervention services.

Percent change in Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) personal safety scores at 6 months: YJD - YVHTPP

This data element is unique and is not to be collected by all agencies. Please confirm with your Program Lead if your agency is to be collecting this item.

The percent change in Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) personal safety scores at 6 months.

YJD - YVHTPP: Ministry-funded Agency Expenditures

Total ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).