May 2019 Trout Lake First Nation fire – 1 adult and 4 children deceased: Forensic Anthropologist flew to community to scientifically excavate, separate and remove the remains. Remains were flown to PFPU for autopsies and identification. Forensic Anthropologist spoke to council and family members who expressed their wishes. A forensic pathology fellow also attended scene.
August 2019 Using CT imaging and innovative medical equipment: Young man with chronic illnesses was found dead, possibly from natural death, trauma or choking. Family desired minimally invasive autopsy. Postmortem CT scan indicated presence of material in trachea. An endoscope was used to extract foreign object.
October 2019 Reinvestigations of Indigenous deaths in Thunder Bay:
Together with the Chief Coroner, Chief of Thunder Bay Police Service, Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation and The Honourable Stephen Goudge, the CFP is participating on the Governance Committee overseeing the multi-agency reinvestigations of the deaths of nine Indigenous people in Thunder Bay. The reinvestigations respond to the report of the Office of the Independent Police Review Director. Two OFPS forensic pathologists, Drs. Kona Williams and Linda Kocovski, are members of the Investigative Resource Committee.
November 2019 Kingston Plane Crash – 7 decedents: American-registered plane left Buttonville Municipal Airport in Markham, Ontario and was attempting to land in Kingston, Ontario. Seven decedents underwent autopsy at PFPU; all were identified. Required constant communication between Regional Supervising Coroner, families of victims, legal representation and Manager of Provincial Dispatch Unit.
January 2020 UIA Flight PS752 – 176 decedents, mostly Canadian Citizens: Commercial flight was shot down by Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards. Two families in Canada approached the OFPS to undertake autopsies and confirm identification. Each family received the remains of its deceased loved one.
February 2020 Central African Republic: At request of International Criminal Court, CFP participated with other experts in forensic investigation into discovery of bodies buried in a mass grave in Bangui.