On behalf of the thousands of caregivers in Ontario, I would like to thank the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Dr. Eric Hoskins, for the opportunity to recommend how we can ensure that all caregivers feel supported and valued.

My recommendations were formulated with the assistance of many groups and individuals who contributed their thoughts, experiences, concerns, hopes and dreams. I extend my thanks to:

  • The caregivers and members of organizations who support and interact with caregivers for participating in the consultations, for following up with questions and suggestions, and for their ongoing belief that we can make it better.
  • The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – particularly Nancy Naylor, Amy Olmstead and Ellen Bruce – for their guidance and support. This team was readily available to help gather experiences and brainstorm possible ways forward.
  • Cathy Fooks and the Change Foundation for their foundational work and ongoing commitment to explore, through research, ways to enhance the caregiver experience.
  • Gail Donner, Chair, Expert Group on Home and Community Care, who helped us remain connected to the “Patients First“ agenda and was a source of support and guidance throughout the process.
  • Joann Trypuc, who facilitated our consultations and created an environment that allowed us to hear the diverse opinions, stories and experiences that shaped the final advice and recommendations. Joann’s ability to remain focused on the task while relating warmly with everyone we met provided me with tremendous support.

This project has been an honour to undertake and has enhanced my personal experience of, and deep appreciation for, caregiving.

Many thanks.

Janet Beed