Recommendation 1: Caregiver supports

It is recommended that:

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care support the development of the following initiatives at the individual, organizational and system levels:

  • Individual level supports to include: establish one access point; and offer education and support programs.
  • Organizational level supports to include: address gaps in caregiver services and supports within and between LHINs; and facilitate caregiver organizations to address gaps and maximize their impact.
  • System level supports to include: conduct public education and awareness programs; increase knowledge among health care and other service providers about the role, value and active engagement of caregivers; advise on improved caregiver support policies and legislation; and advise on and participate in caregiver research.

Recommendation 2: A structure to provide supports

It is recommended that:

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care establish a stand-alone caregiver support organization to deliver and coordinate the full range of individual, organizational and system level supports (Recommendation 1). The key characteristics of the organization should include but not be limited to the following:

  • A volunteer Board of Directors.
  • A staff secretariat that provides management and operational support at a central location and at regional locations that are aligned with, co-located within and arms-length from the LHINs.
  • Staff accountability to a CEO and organizational accountability to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care or their designate.
  • Non-profit charitable status.
  • Multi-year government funding linked to accountabilities for achieving goals and deliverables.
  • Continuous evaluation and refinement of the structure and functions, if required, as the health care system evolves.

Recommendation 3: A commitment to implement

It is recommended that:

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care appoint an Implementation Lead to oversee the planning and development of the caregiver support organization in its initial stages until the CEO and Board are in place and functioning.