
The task

In early 2017, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Dr. Eric Hoskins, asked me to inform next steps   in coordinating and strengthening caregiver supports. This included whether a new provincial caregiver organization could serve Ontario caregivers and, if so, to recommend an organizational structure that would complement and leverage the capacity and expertise of organizations that already help support caregivers.  I was also asked to suggest the organization’s vision, mandate and supporting structure that would best meet the needs of caregivers.

Strategies used

I used two strategies to support this work: consultation and a review of background reports.

  • Consultations: I conducted consultation sessions with caregivers, a wide range of individuals and organizations in the home and community care sector, individuals and groups that influence caregiver supports, and caregiver support organizations in other jurisdictions. Consultation sessions included committee meetings, group consultations and individual interviews. (Appendix A)
  • Review of background reports: I reviewed numerous documents related to caregiver needs and supports, as well as the models used by other jurisdictions to support caregivers. (Appendix B)

These activities provided a wealth of information on caregiver needs and ways to provide support, and helped to identify potential directions for the future.

Report overview

This report presents my observations and recommendations based on listening to over 200 individuals and reviewing relevant documents. The report refers liberally to the experiences of caregivers as heard through the consultation sessions.

The report begins with an assessment of caregivers and caregiver supports both in Ontario and other jurisdictions, followed by my advice on a made-in-Ontario approach to supporting caregivers (Chapters 2 and 3 respectively). Appendices follow which include my interim report submitted to Minister Hoskins on April 21, 2017. (Appendix C)