Caregiver Supports Ontario (Working Title): A stand-alone organization that delivers and coordinates a full range of individual, organization and system level supports for caregivers in Ontario.

This appendix includes the following for consideration and further development:

  • Caregiver Supports Ontario (Working Title): Key Characteristics and Descriptions
  • Proposed Implementation Steps
  • Funding Requirements
  • Accountabilities: Central and Regional Offices

Caregiver Supports Ontario (working title): Key characteristics and descriptions




All caregivers in Ontario feel supported and valued.


To use information, support and respect to enhance the caregiving experience in Ontario.

Governance Leadership

  • Volunteer Board of Directors.
  • Representative of Ontario’s diverse population.
  • Directors with appropriate skills and expertise (balance of experience in areas such as caregiving, policy, finance, legal, business and other areas).

Management Leadership

Chief Executive Officer.


  • One central location.
  • Regional locations aligned with, co-located within and arms-length from the LHINs. Final numbers and distribution to be determined based on caregiver needs.


  • Central location: CEO, administrative support, and selected central staff to oversee key functions (e.g., one-number-to-call, education programs, information systems, marketing and communications, and other functions).
  • Regional locations: at least one local area caregiver support lead in each region strengthened by local volunteer networks.

Corporate Status

Non-profit organization with charitable status.


Multi-year government funding linked to goals and deliverables.


  • CEO accountable to the Board.
  • Staff accountable to the CEO.
  • Organization accountable to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care or the Minister’s designate.

Back Office

Back office functions may be provided by another organization to minimize overhead costs.

Performance and

  • Ongoing accountability for performance.
  • Effectiveness and efficiency of structure continuously evaluated and modified, if appropriate, as the health care system evolves.

Proposed implementation steps

The Minister/ministry to select an Implementation Lead (Recommendation 3).

The Implementation Lead – in consultation with the ministry – to establish a small interim advisory group to work with the Lead on the initial stages of implementation.

The Lead to develop a three-year action plan that sets out goals, deliverables and timelines. The potential plan may include:

Year One

  • Secure the Board and develop by-laws.
  • Recruit a Chief Executive Officer.
  • Develop the strategic plan with a supporting implementation plan.
  • Develop and begin to implement a communication strategy (e.g., website, newsletters with updates on status and activities, etc.).

Year Two

  • Begin to implement the strategic plan.
  • Refine the structure and staffing for the central and local offices.
  • Recruit staff.
  • Establish core programs.
  • Identify indicators to evaluate performance.

Year Three

  • Continue to implement the strategic plan.
  • Develop objectives for the next three years.
  • Evaluate the central and local structure and modify, if required.

Funding requirements

Incremental Government Funding:

  • Year 1: $ 1.0 M
  • Year 2: $ 2.5 M
  • Year 3+: $ 3.0 M

Ongoing financial evaluation based on operational plans. Other source of funds may include donations and grants.

Accountabilities: Central and regional offices

Central office: accountabilities

Establish and maintain:

  1. Mission, vision, values
  2. Goals and objectives
  3. Budget
  4. Purchased services
  5. French language program (French language caregivers served in French)
  6. Indigenous Peoples’ (First Nation, Métis, Inuit) services (co-design and co-develop supports)
  7. IT platform/search engine
  8. Functional Accountabilities, i.e.:
    • Education and support program development
    • Provincial partnerships
    • Transitions across ministries
    • Federal initiatives
    • Public awareness

Regional offices: accountabilities

  1. Link between and among local area initiatives and centralized programs
  2. Secure volunteers and developing local area programs
  3. Deliver central/core programs
  4. Regional leads to work with but not be owned by the LHINs (independent of home care services)