
This training resource guide is intended to support Ontario educators and school and school board administrators in applying required processes for reporting incidents of workplace violence, as described in the “Road Map” provided in Appendix H of the Ministry of Labour's document Workplace Violence in School Boards: A Guide to the Law.

The Road Map was developed as a practical tool by the Provincial Working Group on Health and Safety in response to the need expressed by educators and administrators for greater clarity about workplace violence reporting processes.

The Road Map focuses on the reporting processes required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), the Education Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA). These processes are illustrated in a flow chart, referred to throughout this document as the Road Map (PDF).

Each workplace party, as defined in the OHSA, has an essential role in the reporting processes – the school board, as “the employer”; the principal, as “the supervisor”; and school staff, as board employees and “workers”. The actions taken by staff to report a violent incident to the principal and the actions taken by the principal to investigate and deal with that incident, provide vital information for the next steps in support of school safety and well-being.

This training resource helps familiarize principals and school staff with the Road Map. It highlights specific reporting requirements under provincial statutes and policies and sets out reporting duties. The order in which statutes are covered in this resource differs from the order adopted in the Road Map: Here, we start with the OHSA processes and follow with those required under the Education Act. A chart, definitions and scenarios are provided in the appendices, for discussion and future reference. The appendices also include the legal definition of “critical injury” (as defined in Ontario), a copy of the Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms and a list of additional resources. An accompanying PowerPoint presentation supports the use of this training resource in professional development.

This resource will assist school boards in reviewing their board-specific policies and procedures for applying the required workplace violence reporting processes.


The Road Map and the training materials provided to support its use do not displace or limit the legal obligations of school boards, employees, or any other person with respect to health and safety. The measures recommended in the Road Map may not be sufficient to meet these obligations in all circumstances. When in doubt, school boards and employees should seek professional advice on the particular situation they are facing.

The Road Map's focus is limited to the reporting requirements for violent incidents under three statutes: the Education Act; the Occupational Health and Safety Act; and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as well as related policy directives.

School boards must take into account all other relevant legislation, including, but not limited, to: the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017; the Criminal Code; the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; the Human Rights Code; the Provincial Offences Act; and the Youth Criminal Justice Act.