Note: These are examples only and are not intended to replace board-specific guidelines. PPM No. 120 and the Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol (2015) are not included in the examples.

What type of incident is this?Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms (SSIR)School board's reporting form for workplace violenceSchool board's reporting form for worker injuryEmployer's workplace injury report to WSIB
Serious student incident
Workplace violence incident
No worker injury
Serious student incident
Workplace violence incident
Worker injury
Criteria for injury report to WSIB not met
Serious student incident
Workplace violence incident
Worker injury
Criteria for injury report to WSIB are met
Assailant is not a student
Workplace violence incident
No worker injury
Assailant is not a student
Workplace violence incident
Worker injury
Criteria for injury report to WSIB not met
Assailant is not a student
Workplace violence incident
Worker injury
Criteria for injury report to WSIB are met

The criteria for injury reporting to the WSIB are set out in the WSIB document “Employer's Initial Accident-Reporting Obligations”, 15-01-02 (