This section provides an overview of the Road Map, summarizing each reporting process and then describing the steps to completion. The steps (boxes) on the Road Map appear as highlighted titles. The section begins with the Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA), then proceeds to the Education Act and finally the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA). Please refer to the appendices for summaries of this information and to the Resources section for links to the source documents.

  1. Reporting workplace violence incidents (OHSA)
  2. Reporting serious student incidents (Education Act)
  3. Reporting workplace injuries (WSIA)

The Road Map includes two important notes:

In Case of Emergencies – Call 911The overarching statement “In case of emergencies – call 911” applies to any school board employee who may need to respond directly to an emergency situation. School boards should review their own emergency procedures for board-specific information.

Dual Reporting Requirement: If an incident meets the definition of workplace violence (OHSA) and a serious student incident, then both the Employer's Workplace Violence Reporting Form and the Safe Schools Incident Reporting Form (SSIR as per PPM No. 120) are required to be completed as per the school board's workplace violence reporting procedure. These two forms are to be completed by the employee and submitted to the school board.