Appendix 3 provides four scenarios that involve decision making about the reporting requirements for violent incidents. The scenarios are designed to provoke discussion about how the Road Map is used.

Each scenario includes a completed checklist of reporting requirements, along with the Road Map (flow chart) with the required reporting actions flagged. At the end of the appendix is a master template of the checklist, which could be used to create new scenarios or adapted for practical use.

The PowerPoint that accompanies this training resource includes a copy of the first scenario.

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Scenario 1: Dealing with a social media threat

A Grade 8 student posts on a social networking site that they intend to cause serious physical injury to a teacher. The student has a history of violent behaviour. The teacher is a member of a religious group. The student's online threat also includes statements and images that express hatred towards the teacher's religious group; identifies the teacher by name; and includes a link to a website that also expresses hate towards the religious group. Upon learning of the incident, the principal contacts the police and informs the targeted teacher. The school board and local police conduct coordinated investigations.

Reporting requirementYes/NoComments
Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms –
Part One and Part Two

Serious student incident:

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person: possible suspension.
  • Any activity listed in the Education Act, s. 306(1), that is motivated by bias, prejudice or hate: possible expulsion.
Requirements under PPM No. 120 for reporting violent incidents to the Ministry of EducationYes

A violent incident for the purpose of PPM No. 120:

  • Hate and/or bias-motivated occurrences.
Requirements for notifying police (Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol, section 8)Yes

Notification of police:

  • Hate and/or bias-motivated occurrences: mandatory notification of police.
  • Threats of serious physical injury: discretionary notification of police.
School board's reporting form for workplace violenceYes

Workplace violence incident:

  • A statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
School board's reporting form for worker injuryNoN/A
OHSA requirements for reporting a fatality or critical injury (s. 51)NoN/A
OHSA requirements for reporting violence causing injury (s. 52)NoN/A
Record of first-aid treatmentNoN/A
School board's WSIB reporting systemNoN/A

Find the workflow for scenario 1: dealing with a social media threat.

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Scenario 2: Dealing with a physical assault by a student

An educational assistant (EA) is assaulted by a Grade 4 student during morning recess. The incident causes injuries to the EA's head and shoulder and the EA reports the incident to the principal. First aid is provided. Workplace violence and injury reports are completed. The principal prepares to conduct an investigation and informs the EA. Later that day, while still at work, the EA develops a headache, nausea and dizziness, seemingly as a result of the head injury. The principal activates emergency procedures and calls 911 for an ambulance. At the hospital, the EA is diagnosed with a concussion and referred for further assessment. The principal is informed that the EA will be unable to work for at least a few days.

Reporting requirementYes/NoComments
Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms –
Part One and Part Two

Serious student incident:

  • Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner: possible expulsion.
Requirements under PPM No. 120 for reporting violent incidents to the Ministry of EducationYes

A violent incident for the purpose of PPM 120:

  • Physical assault causing bodily harm requiring medical attention.
Requirements for notifying police (Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol, section 8)Yes

Notification of police:

  • Physical assault causing bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner: mandatory notification of police.

Note: The Protocol also states that school boards are expected to use their discretion in applying the rules for reporting incidents to the police where children under the age of 12 are involved.

School board's reporting form for workplace violenceYes

Workplace violence incident:

  • The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker.
School board's reporting form for worker injuryYesThe report will require updating as new information becomes available.
OHSA requirements for reporting a fatality or critical injury  (s. 51)NoN/A
OHSA requirements for reporting violence causing injury (s. 52)YesThe EA was disabled (could not perform their usual work) and required medical attention because of an incident of workplace violence.
Record of first-aid treatmentYesFirst aid was provided.
School board's WSIB reporting systemYesThe incident caused injury requiring health care and resulting in lost time.

Find the workflow for scenario 2: dealing with a physical assault by a student.

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Scenario 3: Dealing with a physical assault by a parent

In the high school gym, a parent angrily confronts the teacher who is the senior boys' basketball coach about the fact that his son did not make the team. The parent threatens the teacher with physical violence. The principal is alerted and attempts to defuse the situation. The parent pushes the principal against the gym wall and leaves the school. The police are called. No first-aid treatment is necessary, but the principal later seeks medical attention for a back injury resulting from the incident. Over the next few days, the teacher experiences increasing mental stress as a result of the incident, including fearing for their personal safety at work and in the community. The teacher then seeks medical attention for this mental stress. The school board and local police conduct coordinated investigations.

Reporting requirementYes/NoComments
Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms –
Part One and Part Two
NoThe assailant is not a student.
Requirements under PPM No. 120 for reporting violent incidents to the Ministry of EducationYes

A violent incident for the purpose of PPM 120:

  • Physical assault causing bodily harm requiring medical attention.
Requirements for notifying police (Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol, section 8)Yes

Notification of police:

  • Physical assault causing bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner: mandatory notification of police.
School board's reporting form for workplace violenceYes

Each victim makes a separate report.
Workplace violence incidents:

  • The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker.
  • A statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
School board's reporting form for worker injuryYesThe principal reports physical injury as a result of the incident. The teacher reports mental stress as an injury resulting from the incident.
OHSA requirements for reporting a fatality or critical injury (s. 51)NoN/A
OHSA requirements for reporting violence causing injury (s. 52)YesThe principal required medical attention because of an incident of workplace violence.
Record of first-aid treatmentNoN/A
School board's WSIB reporting systemYesThe principal was injured as a result of the incident and required health care. The teacher makes a WSIB claim for traumatic mental stress as result of the incident.

Find the workflow for scenario 3: dealing with a physical assault by a parent.

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Scenario 4: Dealing with a threat of violence with a weapon

A high school student is overheard telling a classmate that he has a BB gun in his backpack and intends to use it to hurt staff and students. The principal is informed. Emergency procedures are activated and police are called. The police arrive on the scene, locate the firearm and arrest the student. The student will be charged with carrying a concealed weapon, possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose and uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm. The school board and local police conduct coordinated investigations.

Reporting requirementYes/NoComments
Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms –
Part One and Part Two

Serious student incidents:

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person: possible suspension.
  • Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm: possible expulsion.
  • Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person: possible expulsion.
Requirements under PPM No. 120 for reporting violent incidents to the Ministry of EducationYes

A violent incident for the purpose of PPM 120:

  • Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm.
  • Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person.
Requirements for notifying police (Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol, section 8)Yes

Notification of police:

  • Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm: mandatory notification of police.
  • Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person: mandatory notification of police.
  • Threats of serious physical injury: discretionary notification of police.
School board's reporting form for workplace violenceYes

Workplace violence incidents:

  • An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to a worker.
  • A statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
School board's reporting form for worker injuryNoN/A
OHSA requirements for reporting a fatality or critical injury (s. 51)NoN/A
OHSA requirements for reporting violence causing injury (s. 52)NoN/A
Record of first-aid treatmentNoN/A
School board's WSIB reporting systemNoN/A

Find the workflow for scenario 4: dealing with a threat of violence with a weapon.

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Master template

Scenario description:

Reporting requirementYes/NoComments
Safe Schools Incident Reporting Forms –
Part One and Part Two
Requirements under PPM No. 120 for reporting violent incidents to the Ministry of Education  
Requirements for notifying police (Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol, section 8)  
School board's reporting form for workplace violence  
School board's reporting form for worker injury  
OHSA requirements for reporting a fatality or critical injury (s. 51)  
OHSA requirements for reporting violence causing injury (s. 52)  
Record of first-aid treatment  
School board's WSIB reporting system