Component: Vocational Alternative Supports – Adult

Legislation: Ministry of Community and Social Services  Act (MCSSA)

Service objectives

  • To provide vocational training to assist adults with disabilities to increase independence and participation in community life and to prepare and support individuals for employment settings in the community
  • To support the development of an Individual Support Plan (ISP), where appropriate, based on the principles of self-determination, social inclusion, citizenship and choice and to provide services that are reflective of this plan

Service description

People served

Services and supports are for persons with disabilities who reside in Ontario and are at least 18 years of age.

*Note: there are no new applicants to this component. This program is only applicable to agencies previously funded under this program with existing caseload.

Individual support plan (ISP)

Each individual will have a plan of care for rehabilitation services and supports as required to meet their rehabilitation goals and needs.

Specific service provided

  • Vocational supports which involve preparing individuals for employment
  • Transitioning individuals to competitive employment support programs
  • Facilitating and supporting education and training
  • Situational assessment
  • Job development
  • Job training
  • Job coaching
  • Intervention with employers for individuals to maintain employment
  • Supports needed to place, maintain, or change the employment of an individual in a work setting

Services excluded

Services for individuals who have achieved stable competitive employment and services being provided through ODSP employment supports to obtain and maintain competitive employment.

Delivery method

  • Services may be provided in person, or by other means (e.g., phone, email, mail, and videoconference)
  • Staff providing services are typically required to have certification in the human services field including disability services or related training or experience
  • Services provided are aligned with the ministry's safety and security guidelines and expectations

Services will be

  • Designed to address the needs of the individual and their family
  • Respectful of the social, linguistic and cultural diversity of families and communities
  • Based on the individual's assessed needs, preferences and available individual, agency, community and contracted ministry resources

Program goals

To provide vocational services and supports to persons with disabilities who reside in Ontario and are at least 18 years of age that promotes social inclusion, individual choice, independence and rights.

Ministry expectations

Service agencies will comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, policy directives, program guidelines, funding agreement(s), accountability and reporting requirements.

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data NameDefinition
# of Individuals Served: Vocational Alternative SupportsThe unique/unduplicated number of individuals that received this type of service in any language in the reporting year (cumulative). The same person should be counted only once if they received more than one type of this service, or if they exited and re-entered service during the year.
Vocational Alternative Supports Ministry- funded Agency ExpendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this program in the reporting year (cumulative).