Component: IHWS – Supportive Resources, Training and Capacity Building

Legislation: Ministry of Community and Social Services Act

Service objectives

  • Provide culturally responsive Indigenous language translation and service supports in both medical and non-medical contexts

Service description

  • Indigenous language translation services are provided to facilitate communication between Indigenous individuals and medical, health and social service practitioners regarding symptoms, diagnoses, care, treatments and follow-up services
  • Additional service supports may include hospital site navigation, peer counselling, referrals, advocacy, and cultural therapeutic supports (Traditional healers, medicines and ceremonial supplies and resources)

People served

  • Indigenous individuals and families, including children, partners, family members, friends, personal support workers accompanying clients

Program / Service Features

The Program/Services contracted by the Ministry will reflect the following features

  • Indigenous cultural approaches are reflected or used as a part of the activities and services

Specific service provided

Client-specific services

  • Client-specific services are intended to improve Indigenous health by facilitating communication between Indigenous patients and health care providers through provision of language translation services. Services are intended to facilitate communication and understanding of health symptoms, diagnoses, treatments and follow-up services
  • Patient and family support services, such as hospital site navigation, form completion, service referrals, advocacy, peer counselling, and cultural therapeutic supports (Traditional healers, medicines, and ceremonial supplies and resources)

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data NameDefinition
# of Individuals: Indigenous TranslatorsUnique, or unduplicated, count of individuals who received client-specific services through the Indigenous Translators Program during the reporting period. Each unique individual is counted only once per reporting period even if they received multiple services. If the individual carries into the next fiscal year, the individual is counted again in the new reporting period. See Service description for further details and examples of client-specific services.
# of Translation Services Provided: Indigenous TranslatorsThe total number of Indigenous language translation services provided to individuals and families through the Indigenous Translator program during the reporting period. For example, if an individual accessed translation services five times in the reporting period, this would be counted as five.
#of Patient & Family Supports Provided: Indigenous TranslatorsThe total number of patient and family support services provided to individuals and families through the Indigenous Translator program during the reporting period. Examples of patient and family support services include support with form completion, service referrals, advocacy, peer counselling and access to cultural therapeutic supports. For example, if an individual accessed patient and family support services five times in the reporting period, this would be counted as five. Indigenous language translation service should not be captured under this data element. If none are provided, put “0”.
Ministry-funded Agency Expenditures: Indigenous TranslatorsTotal ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver the Indigenous Translators program in the reporting year (cumulative).