Component: Adults' DS Community Support Services

Legislation: Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act (SIPDDA), 2008

Service objectives

  • To provide temporary relief to primary caregivers of adults with a developmental disability
  • To support the development of a personal Individual Support Plan (ISP) based on the principles of self-determination, social inclusion, citizenship, and choice and to provide services that are reflective of this plan

Service description

People served

Services and supports are provided to, or for the benefit of, persons who reside in Ontario, are at least 18 years of age and have a developmental disability as defined by the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008.

Individual support plan (ISP)

Each individual will have an ISP that is based on the assessed strengths, needs and preferences of the individual. The plan will identify the specific services/supports received by the individual, the expected outcomes and should be based on the principles of self-determination, social inclusion, citizenship, choice and other requirements outlined in Section 5 of Regulation 299/10 under SIPDDA.

Services and supports provided include

  • Supports provided to adults with a developmental disability in their place of residence in the absence of, or alongside, the usual caregiver
  • Supports for adults with a developmental disability in a setting other than their place of residence
  • Supports for adults with a developmental disability in settings that include short term overnight stay so as to afford the usual caregiver an opportunity for relief (i.e. for vacation, illness or short-term relief)
  • Short term settings can include but are not limited to: dedicated congregate (group) homes for respite, summer camps, respite family homes, motel/hotel arrangements paid by agencies

Services excluded

  • Temporary use of vacant supportive living settings for caregiver respite services provided through DS temporary supports

Delivery method

  • Services may be provided in person or by video conference
  • Agency staff coordinating or providing the respite services are typically required to have certification in the human services field or related training or experience
  • Services are provided by a person other than, or in addition to, the primary caregiver for the purpose of providing temporary relief to the primary caregiver
  • Services provided are aligned with the ministry's safety and security guidelines and expectations
  • Services may be provided by agencies or purchased by individuals. Where services are purchased by individuals, agencies may provide financial and other administrative supports

Services will be

  • Designed to address the needs of the individual and their family
  • Respectful of the social, linguistic and cultural diversity of individuals, families and communities
  • Staffed by individuals with the appropriate training and range of skills necessary to respond effectively to the needs of individuals and their families
  • Based on the individual's assessed strengths, needs, preferences and available individual, agency, community and contracted ministry resources
  • Obtained through the application for adult developmental services and supports process, which identifies individuals' support needs and priority access to service through a process that is objective, equitable and transparent

Program goals

To provide temporary relief for primary caregivers while also providing services and supports to adults with a developmental disability.

Ministry expectations

  • Service agencies will inform the appropriate Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) office of resources and/or vacancy declaration as it becomes available; and maintain up to date agency information including: agency amalgamations/closures/name changes; service location changes or additions and services delivered at specific locations
  • Service agencies will comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, policy directives, program guidelines, funding agreement(s), accountability and reporting requirements; Service agencies must continue to report to the DSOs and the Ministry regarding the status and/or any changes in circumstances or service terminations relevant to all placements of adults with developmental disabilities served by the service agencies that were matched and linked by the regional DSO
  • The service agency is responsible for utilizing the information technology specified by the Ministry for the collection and maintenance of information, including preserving the security, integrity, consistency and validity of the information collected and ensuring that data is accurate and kept up-to-date

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets. For table of Service Data please refer to the excel spreadsheet provided

Service data nameDefinition
# of Respite Spaces: RespiteTotal number of spaces for overnight stay at the end of the reporting period. Include all ministry-funded spaces at TPAs and third parties regardless of whether they are filled or not at the time of the count.
# of Individuals Served: RespiteThe unique/unduplicated number of individuals that received this type of service in any language in the reporting year (cumulative). The same person should be counted only once if they received more than one type of this service, or if they exited and re-entered service during the year.
Respite: Ministry- funded Agency ExpendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).