Component: Adults' DS Community Support Services

Legislation: Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) Act

Service objectives

To provide provision of access to ministry-funded adult developmental services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities.

Service description

This service is expected to be used on an interim basis until implementation activities related to transformation have been completed.

People served

Provision of access to ministry-funded adult developmental services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities who reside in Ontario and are at least 18 years of age and for their primary caregivers.

Program/service features

Specific service provided

This can include services related to programs, other than the Passport program, such as prioritization and allocation of funding.

Services excluded

  • All services or functions related to the passport program
  • Psychological assessment for the purpose of confirming eligibility for adult developmental services and supports
  • Assessments that are provided in the context of other services, such as employment assessment in the context of employment supports
  • Assessments by health professionals related to health and medical conditions requiring action or treatment
  • Provision of direct funding to individuals and management of direct funding agreements with individuals (pending legislative authority)

Delivery method

  • Services may be provided in person, or by other means (e.g., phone, email, mail, and videoconference where possible or permissible)
  • Staff providing services are typically required to have certification in the human services field or related training or experience
  • Services provided are aligned with the ministry's safety and security guidelines and expectations

Services will be

  • Designed to address the needs of the individual and their family
  • Respectful of the social, linguistic, and cultural diversity of families and communities
  • Staffed by individuals with the appropriate training and range of skills necessary to respond effectively to the needs of individuals and their families
  • Based on the individual's assessed needs, preferences and available individual, agency, community and contracted ministry resources
  • Obtained through the application for developmental services and supports process, which identifies individuals' support needs and priority access to service through a process that is objective, equitable and transparent

Program goals

To provide access to ministry-funded adult developmental services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities that promotes social inclusion, individual choice, independence and rights.

Ministry expectations

  • Service agencies will comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, policy directives, program guidelines, funding agreement(s), accountability and reporting requirements; service agencies must continue to report to the DSOs and the Ministry regarding the status and/or any changes in circumstances or service terminations relevant to all placements of adults with developmental disabilities served by the service agencies matched and linked by the regional DSO
  • The service agency is responsible for utilizing the information technology specified by the Ministry for the collection and maintenance of information, maintaining the security, integrity, consistency and validity of the information collected and maintained; and ensuring that data is accurate and kept up-to-date

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service data nameDefinition
Coordination Processes: Ministry- funded Agency ExpendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this program in the reporting year (cumulative). This includes the "Child Witness Program" and the "Counselling Services" program.
# of calls: ReportONThe total number of times when service is provided by telephone for ReportON. This count represents continuous service to a client. It does not represent a count of unique individuals. This figure excludes calls that have a high likelihood of being auto dialers, static, or SPAM, and abandoned calls.
# of Individuals Served: Coordination ProcessesThe unique/unduplicated number of individuals that received this type of service in any language in the reporting year (cumulative).