Component: DS Self-Managed Support – Direct

Legislation: Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (SIPDDA) and Ministry of Community and Social Services Act (MCSSA)

Service objectives

To administer the ministry-funded Passport program for adults with developmental disabilities. This service is the program administration of the Passport program by Passport agencies and the consolidated payment agency.

Note: This service is administered only by Passport agencies and the designated consolidated payment agency.

Service description

Passport is a program that helps adults with a developmental disability be involved in their communities and live as independently as possible by providing funding for community participation services and supports, activities of daily living and person- directed planning. The program also provides funding for caregiver respite services and supports for primary caregivers of an adult with a developmental disability.

People served

Services and supports are for persons who reside in Ontario, are at least 18 years of age and have a developmental disability as defined by the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 and their primary caregivers.

Specific service provided

Passport agencies are the primary point of contact with Passport recipients and their families for all aspects of the Passport program.

Passport agencies will administer the Passport program in alignment with the Passport program guidelines, program management directives and operational directives.

Passport agencies will:

  • Provide services related to administering the Passport program that include
  • Issuing passport funding approvals within noted timelines in accordance with the ministry's operational directives
  • Managing the passport service registry
  • Calculate the individual funding amounts using the passport mapping tool based on the information contained in the application package for adult developmental services, for individuals who are 18+ years of age, and who have an identified need for Community Participation Supports (CPS) and/or caregiver respite in the order in which they are received from the Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) office, on an ongoing basis. Referrals should be mapped/reviewed within 30 days from the date received by the passport agency
  • Administer the consolidated payment agency's service agreement and all applicable client forms with passport recipients
  • Provide passport recipients with information and guidance regarding admissible and inadmissible passport expenditures
  • Support passport recipients by identifying relevant community-based services (regardless of sector or funding source) available in their local communities or region that provide admissible services/supports under the passport program
  • Receive and respond to queries from passport recipients, their families, community agencies and the general public
  • Support passport recipients to utilize their funds by monitoring under-spending, caseload/regional trends, service gaps, and barriers
  • Follow up with the Passport recipient, person managing funds, and/or service provider regarding claim review, as required
  • Participate in the provincial expenditure resolution process in accordance with the guidelines
  • Maintain program records and prepare and submit reports per the operational directives or upon reasonable request by ministry staff

The consolidated payment agency will provide services related to the financial administration of the passport program that include

  • Managing the financial functions of the ministry-funded Passport program
  • Developing information and guidance on financial processes to support recipients in claim submission and processing for Passport Agencies, Passport recipients and person managing funds
  • Monitor and track the program administration costs related to the IT and human resource costs in administering the program
  • Participate in the provincial expenditure resolution process in accordance with the guidelines

Services excluded

  • All services provided by organizations that are not Passport agencies

Delivery method

  • Services may be provided in person, or by other means (e.g., phone, email, mail, and videoconference)

Services will be

  • Accessed through the application for developmental services and supports process at an application entity (Developmental Services Ontario), which assesses individuals' support needs
  • Applicant's information will then be referred to Passport agencies to identify funding allocations and administer Consolidated Payment Agency's service agreement and all applicable client forms with Passport recipients

Program goals

To provide funding to support: community participation, caregiver respite, activities of daily living and person-directed planning.

Ministry expectations

  • Service agencies will comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, policy directives, program guidelines, funding agreement(s), accountability and reporting requirements
  • The service agency is responsible for utilizing the information technology specified by the Ministry for the collection and maintenance of information maintaining the security, integrity, consistency and validity of the information collected and maintained and ensuring that data is accurate and kept up-to-date

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data NameDefinition
Passport Consolidated Payment Agency: Ministry-funded reimbursements for client expendituresTotal ministry funding reimbursed for Passport client expenditures in the reporting year (cumulative).
Passport TPAs: Ministry-funded Agency Expenditures for program administrationTotal ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).