Applicable FieldRelated Valid Values
  • AB - Alberta
  • BC - British Columbia
  • MB - Manitoba
  • NB - New Brunswick
  • NL - Newfoundland & Labrador
  • NT - Northwest Territories
  • NS - Nova Scotia
  • NU - Nunavut
  • ON - Ontario
  • PE - Prince Edward Island
  • QC - Quebec
  • SK - Saskatchewan
  • YT - Yukon Territory
  • (Note - Must be equal to the province you represent).
Admin Cost Program Type
  • PI (Production Insurance)
  • WL (Wildlife Compensation)
Reporting Code
  • FC-01: Toll Free (Call Centre)
  • FC-02: Operations - Insurance Processing
  • FC-03: Operations - Adjusting
  • FC-04: Audit (Field)
  • FC-05: Policy Administration
  • FC-06: Finance
  • FC-07: Research, Development and Underwriting
  • FC-08: Program Sales and Promotion
  • FC-09: Human Resources
  • FC-10: Systems Maintenance and Support
  • FC-11: Accommodations
  • FC-12Capital
  • FC-13: Revenue Received
  • FC-14: Admin Fees
  • Q1 - Quarter 1
  • Q2 - Quarter 2
  • Q3 - Quarter 3
  • Q4 - Quarter 4
Plan Sub Type: Yield-based plans
  • 1 - Multi Peril
  • 2 - Single Peril
  • 3 - Multi Peril Collective
  • 7 - Spot Loss Rider
  • 8 - Spot Loss Standalone
  • 9 - Whole Farm
  • 15 - Quality Benefit Rider
  • 21 - Livestock - Multi Perils
Plan Sub Type: Non-yield-based coverage plans
  • 4 - Trees and Plants
  • 5 - Unseeded Acreage
  • 6 - Storage Coverage Rider
  • 10 - Acreage Loss ($/Acre)
  • 11 - Weather Based - Rainfall Rider
  • 12 - Satellite Imagery
  • 13 - Weather Based -Rainfall Standalone
  • 14 - Weather Based -Temperature Standalone
  • 16 - Proxy Crop
  • 17 - Livestock - Asset Loss
  • 18 - Livestock - Income Replacement
  • 20 - Crop Establishment
  • 22 - Forage Quality Rider
Cost Share Type
  • 1 - High
  • 2 - Comprehensive
  • 3 - Catastrophic
  • 4 - Provincial Initiative
  • 5 - Tier 1
  • 6 - Tier 2
  • 7 - Tier 3
  • 8 - Tier 4
Exposure Unit
  • 0 - n/a
  • 1 - Acres
  • 2 - Hectares
  • 3 - Hives
  • 4 - Dairy Cows
  • 5 - Bushels
  • 6 - Vines
  • 7 - Trees
  • 8 - Square Meters
  • 9 - Tree Units
  • 10 - Animal Units
  • 11 - LBS (thousand)
  • 12 - Metric Tonne
  • 13 - Production Value $