This document sets out the seeding and harvesting deadlines (where applicable) in Ontario for the 2022 crop year unless otherwise changed through the process set out in Annex I.5 of the 2022–2023 Operational Document. 

Grains and oilseeds commodities

Table 1: Spring-seeded Grains and Oilseeds — Seeding Deadlines
CommoditySeeding deadline by area ASeeding deadline by area BSeeding deadline by area CSeeding deadline by area DSeeding deadline by area E
Coloured and white beans30-Jun30-Jun30-Jun20-Jun20-Jun
Corn15-Junfootnote 115-Jun15-Jun10-Jun31-May
Popping corn10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun
Oats and barley25-Apr15-May15-May31-May10-Jun
Spring wheat25-Apr15-May15-May25-May31-May
Table 2: Fall-seeded Grains and Oilseeds — Seeding Deadlines
CommoditySeeding deadline by area ASeeding deadline by area BSeeding deadline by area CSeeding deadline by area DSeeding deadline by area Efootnote 4Seeding deadline by area Efootnote 5  
Organic winter spelt7-Nov7-Nov17-Oct7-Nov27-Oct8-Oct1-Oct15-Sep
Winter wheat7-Nov7-Nov17-Oct7-Nov27-Oct8-Oct1-Oct15-Sep
Winter barley21-Oct21-Oct1-Oct21-Oct10-Oct21-Sep1-Sep1-Sep
Winter canolafootnote 620-Sep20-Sep20-Sep20-Sep10-Sep10-SepN/AN/A


Table 3: Fruit trees, Grapevines and Strawberries — Planting and end of Coverage Dates
CommodityDate by area ADate by area BDate by area CDate by area DDate by area E 
Planting date to be eligible for winter coverage: June-bearing strawberries15-Jun15-Jun15-Jun15-Jun15-Jun15-Jun
Planting date to be eligible for winter coverage: Day neutral strawberries25-Sep15-Sep3-Sep25-Sep3-Sep 25-Aug
Planting date to be eligible for winter coverage: Fruit trees10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun10-Jun
Planting date to be eligible for winter coverage: Grapevines25-Jun25-Jun25-Jun25-Jun25-Jun25-Jun
Coverage end-dates: Day neutral varieties15-Oct15-Oct15-Oct15-Oct30-Sep 20-Sept

Tobacco and hemp

Table 4: Coverage Dates
CommodityStart of coverageEnd of coveragePlanting deadline
Black tobacco – air cured20-MayHarvestfootnote 720-Jun
Black tobacco – fire cured20-MayHarvestfootnote 820-Jun
Burley tobacco20-MayHarvestfootnote 820-Jun
Flue-cured tobacco18-MayHarvestfootnote 920-Jun
Hemp10-Junfootnote 1031-Dec10-Jun

Vegetables (Yield-Based and Processing)

Table 5: Vegetables Insured Based on Yield – Planting Deadlines
CommodityPlanting deadline
Onions (seed, set)15-May
Onions (Spanish)20-May
Peppers (banana, bell)15-Jun
Potatoes (Sheopody and Snowden varieties)21-Jun
Potatoes (all other varieties)30-Jun
Butternut Squash30-Jun
Cucumbers (Machine harvest)20-Jul
Cucumbers (hand-picked)5-Jul
Green Peasfootnote 1115-Jun
Green and wax beans22-Jul
Lima beans5-Jul
Red beets30-Jun
Sugar beets15-Jun
Sweet corn5-Jul
Table 6: Root VegetablesInsured on an Acreage Loss Basis — Planting and End of Coverage Dates
CommodityClass2500-2700 Heat units: Earliest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: Latest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: End of coverage2700-3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: Latest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: End of coverage>3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date>3100 Heat units: Latest planting date>3100 Heat units: End of coverage
CarrotsMineral soil30-Apr30-Jun1-Nov15-Apr30-Jun1-Nov5-Apr30-Jun1-Nov
CarrotsMuck soil30-Apr30-Jun1-Nov15-Apr30-Jun1-Nov1-Apr30-Jun1-Nov
French shallotsN/A25-Apr20-May25-Sep20-Apr20-May25-Sept5-Apr20-May30-Sept
GarlicN/A20-Aprfootnote 121-Nov15-Aug15-Aprfootnote 125-Nov1-Aug10-Aprfootnote 1210-Nov1-Aug
Green onionsN/A25-Apr30-Jun25-Sep20-Apr30-Jun25-Sep5-Apr30-Jun30-Sep
Red beetsN/A5-May30-Jun1-Nov30-Apr30-Jun1-Nov20-Aprfootnote 1330-Jun1-Nov
Spanish onionsTransplanted, mineral25-Apr20-May25-Sep20-Apr20-May25-Sep5-Apr20-May30-Sep
Spanish onionsTransplanted, muck25-Apr20-May25-Sep20-Apr20-May25-Sep5-Apr20-May30-Sep
Sweet potatoN/AN/AN/AN/A21-May10-Jun17-Oct21-May15-Jun17-Oct
Yellow onionsSeeded, mineral25-Apr15-May25-Sep18-Apr15-May25-Sep5-Apr20-May30-Sep
Yellow onionsSeeded, muck25-Apr15-May25-Sep18-Apr15-May25-Sep1-Apr20-May30-Sep
Yellow onionsTransplanted, muck25-Apr20-May25-Sep20-Apr20-May25-Sep5-Apr20-May30-Sep
Yellow onionsTransplanted, mineral25-Apr20-May25-Sep20-Apr20-May25-Sep5-Apr20-May30-Sep
Table 7: Fruit Vegetables Insured on an Acreage Loss Basis — Planting and End of Coverage Dates
CommodityClass2500-2700 Heat units: Earliest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: Latest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: End of coverage2700-3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: Latest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: End of coverage>3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date>3100 Heat units: Latest planting date>3100 Heat units: End of coverage
CucumberSeeded 20-May1-Jul25-Sep15-May10-Jul30-Sep10-May15-Jul30-Sep
MelonSeeded 20-May1-Jun25-Sep15-May15-Jun30-Sep10-May15-Jun7-Oct
TomatoesN/A20-May15-Jun25-Sep15-May20-Jun30-Sep8-Mayfootnote 1420-Jun7-Oct
ZucchiniSeeded 20-May15-Jul25-Sep15-May15-Jul30-Sep10-May20-Jul7-Oct
Table 8: Other Vegetables Insured on an Acreage Loss Basis — Planting and End of Coverage Dates
CommodityClass2500-2700 Heat units: Earliest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: Latest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: End of coverage2700-3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: Latest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: End of coverage>3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date>3100 Heat units: Latest planting date>3100 Heat units: End of coverage
Broad beansN/A5-May1-Jun25-Sep5-May1-Jun30-Sep20-Apr1-Jun7-Oct
Green & wax beansN/A25-May15-Jul25-Sep15-May15-Jul30-Sep5-May15-Jul7-Oct
Green peasN/A20-Apr15-Jun25-Sep15-Apr15-Jun7-Aug10-Apr1-Jun7-Aug
Sweet cornN/A5-May25-Jun30-Sep5-May25-Jun5-Oct25-Apr30-Jun12-Oct
Sweet corn (mulch)N/A25-Apr25-Jun30-Sep25-Apr25-Jun5-Oct20-Apr30-Jun12-Oct
Table 9: Leafy Vegetables Insured on an Acreage Loss Basis — Planting and End of Coverage Dates
CommodityClass2500-2700 Heat units: Earliest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: Latest planting date2500-2700 Heat units: End of coverage2700-3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: Latest planting date2700-3100 Heat units: End of coverage>3100 Heat units: Earliest planting date>3100 Heat units: Latest planting date>3100 Heat units: End of coverage
Bok choy, bigSeeded15-May05-Sept10-Nov10-May10-Sept15-Nov10-May10-Sept15-Nov
Bok choy, baby, small baby, and sumSeeded25-Apr05-Sept10-Nov20-Apr10-Sept15-Nov20-Apr10-Sept15-Nov
BroccoliSeeded 30-Apr1-Aug1-Nov25-Apr1-Aug1-Nov25-Apr1-Aug7-Nov
Brussels SproutsN/A30-Apr1-Jul10-Nov25-Apr1-Jul10-Nov15-Apr1-Jul10-Nov
CauliflowerSeeded 5-May20-Jun1-Nov5-May20-Jun1-Nov25-Apr20-Jun1-Nov
Cauliflower (includes broccoflower)Transplanted5-May25-Jul1-Nov5-May25-Jul1-Nov1-May30-Jul1-Nov
Chinese cabbageSeeded5-May1-Aug10-Oct1-May1-Aug15-Oct1-Apr1-Aug15-Oct
Chinese cabbageTransplanted20-May1-Aug10-Oct15-May1-Aug15-Oct7-May1-Aug15-Oct
Gai lanSeeded25-Apr25-Aug01-Nov15-Apr30-Aug10-Nov15-Apr30-Aug10-Nov
Lettuce - muck soil and MineralSeeded, leaf & Boston30-Apr1-Aug25-Sep15-Apr1-Aug30-Sep1-Apr1-Aug30-Sep
Lettuce - muck soil and mineralTransplanted leaf & Boston30-Apr1-Aug25-Sep15-Apr1-Aug30-Sep1-Apr1-Aug30-Sep
Lettuce - muck soil and mineralSeeded, romaine & crisp head30-Apr1-Aug25-Sep15-Apr1-Aug30-Sep1-Apr1-Aug30-Sep
Lettuce - muck soil and mineralTransplanted, romaine & crisp head30-Apr1-Aug25-Sep15-Apr1-Aug30-Sep1-Apr1-Aug30-Sep
Mustard greensSeeded30-Apr25-Aug01-Nov25-Apr30-Aug05-Nov25-Apr30-Aug05-Nov
SpinachN/A30-Apr25-Aug01-Nov -25-Apr30-Aug05-Nov1-Apr30-Aug05-Nov
Baby spinachN/A30-Apr31-Aug01-Nov25-Apr15-Sep05-Nov1-Apr15-Sep05-Nov
Summer cabbageSeeded 30-Apr15-Jun15-Oct25-Apr15-Jun15-Oct18-Apr15-Jun15-Oct
Summer cabbageTransplanted30-Apr30-Jun15-Oct25-Apr30-Jun15-Oct18-Apr5-Jul15-Oct
Winter cabbageSeeded 30-Apr15-Jun10-Nov25-Apr15-Jun10-Nov18-Apr15-Jun10-Nov
Winter cabbageTransplanted30-Apr30-Jun10-Nov25-Apr30-Jun10-Nov18-Apr5-Jul10-Nov
Yu choySeeded25-Apr05-Sept01-Nov15-Apr10-Sept10-Nov15-Apr10-Sept10-Nov


  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph For seed corn, the final planting date in Area A is June 20.
  • footnote[2>West of Belleville Back to paragraph Seeding deadline by area BEast of Belleville
  • footnote[2> Back to paragraph Seeding deadline by area D
  • footnote[4] Back to paragraph Nipissing, Timiskaming, Parry Sound, Manitoulin, and Muskoka
  • footnote[5] Back to paragraph Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Rainy river, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Haliburton
  • footnote[6] Back to paragraph Additional area restrictions apply
  • footnote[7] Back to paragraph Frost coverage ends on September 12. For all other perils, coverage ends at harvest or date specified.
  • footnote[8] Back to paragraph Frost coverage ends on October 1. For all other perils, coverage ends at harvest or date specified.
  • footnote[9] Back to paragraph Frost coverage ends at noon on October 1. For all other perils, coverage ends at harvest or date specified.
  • footnote[10] Back to paragraph Reseeding deadline of June 30.
  • footnote[11] Back to paragraph For green peas, Essex and Kent County (Romney and Tilbury East Townships), have a planting deadline of May 24. The rest of Kent County has a planting deadline of June 1.
  • footnote[12] Back to paragraph For garlic, the dates in the earliest planting date column are the start of the coverage period.
  • footnote[13] Back to paragraph For beets grown in Essex and Kent County, the earliest planting date is April 5.
  • footnote[14] Back to paragraph For tomatoes grown in Essex, Kent and Lambton County, the earliest planting date is May 1.