1.0 Enrolment, Seeding or Harvest Deadline Changes

  • 1.1 For enrolment, seeding or harvest deadline changes, the province shall submit or cause to be submitted, information in order for Canada to assess the impact of the proposal on the AgriInsurance Program. 

    The information shall include:
    • Identification of the Insurance Plan and commodity impacted by the proposal;
    • Current and proposed deadlines;
    • The areas or regions that will be impacted;
    • Rationale for the change, potential financial impacts, assumptions and any other relevant information;
    • As required, provide an opinion from an agronomist or crop specialist to support any agronomic assumptions.

2.0 Modifications to Existing Plans or Proposals on New Plans

2.1 For changes to an existing plan, the province shall submit or cause to be submitted, information in order for Canada to assess the impact of the proposal on the AgriInsurance Program.

The information shall include:

  • Identification of the Insurance Plan and commodity impacted by the change and provide a brief description of the current design and features of the insurance product.
  • Detailed description of the proposed changes to the Insurance Plan and what features will be modified. Specifically:
    • Demonstrate that the distinguishability criteria are met;
    • Provide coverage level, deductible and the Yield and Non-yield Production Value methodology;
    • Identify the impacts on the current premium rate and probable yield methodologies and demonstrate that the National Certification Guidelines (NCG) are met.
  • Estimated financial impact on the AgriInsurance Program and any other information that can assist Canada in the assessment.
  • 2.2 For the introduction of a new plan, the province shall submit or cause to be submitted, to Canada information in order to assess the impact of the proposal on the AgriInsurance Program.

    The information shall include:
    • Detailed description of the proposed Insurance Plan design and features;
    • Eligibility criteria including enrolment, seeding and harvesting deadlines;
    • Demonstration that it is not a Risk-splitting benefit;
    • Demonstration that the coverage levels offered and the deductible align with the program authorities;
    • Yield and Non-yield Production Value methodology;
    • Premium rate and probable yield methodologies and demonstration that the program authorities and NCG are met.
    • Data source and assumptions
    • Estimated financial impact on the AgriInsurance Program and any other information that can assist Canada in the assessment.

3.0 Introducing Producer-Paid Production Loss Coverage Benefits

  • 3.1 The province shall submit or cause to be submitted, the information requested under clause 2.1 for changes to existing plans or 2.2 for the introduction of a new plan.
  • 3.2 The province shall submit or cause to be submitted, in writing a formal request to Canada to have the Premiums of the benefit covered as Producer-Paid Production Loss Coverage.
  • 3.3 The province shall demonstrate the benefit meets section 5.24 of the AgriInsurance Agreement.