Unless otherwise specified, all fields are required.

The Province shall submit or cause to be submitted, a request for Canada's share of Contributions in the following format.

The first row will contain general header information for the province and claim. Subsequent rows will contain PI Claim Plan Details. Each claim detail row will contain one plan per cost share.

This file will be created and uploaded by each province. The file will be comma separated value ASCII format. Binary files will not be accepted. Extra fields on a line will be ignored.

Header Row
  • Unique identifier of a Province.
  • Data type: character(2)
  • Valid values are listed in Annex I.4 - Valid Values by Field
2Crop Year
  • Unique identifier of a Crop year.
  • Data type: numeric(4) - numeric(2)
  • yyyy-yy
3Provincial Fiscal Year
  • The provincial Fiscal Year that this claim is for as specified on the claim.
  • Data type: numeric(4) - numeric(2) OR numeric(4)
  • yyyy-yy or yyyy
4Provincial Claim Number
  • The identifier that has been assigned by the province to this claim.
  • Data type: character(20) (maximum 20 characters)
5From Date
  • The start date of the range that the province has collected producer premiums for this claim. This date range should be unique for this province/crop year/claim type on successfully processed claims.
  • Data type: numeric(4) - numeric(2) - numeric(2)
  • yyyy-MM-dd
6To Date
  • The end date of the range that the province has collected producer premiums for this claim. This date range should be unique for this province/crop year/claim type on successfully processed claims.
  • Data type: numeric(4) - numeric(2) - numeric(2)
  • yyyy-MM-dd
Detail Row(s)
1Plan Name
  • A province specific name of a plan for which federal Contribution is requested. This should match a plan name in the statistics file. e.g. Satellite Imagery
  • Data type: character(40) (maximum 40 characters)
  • Note: For uniqueness, case and whitespace will be ignored.
2Plan SubType
  • The unique code that represents a subtype of a plan. Ex: Multi-peril, Single Peril, Unseeded acreage. A subtype is either Yield-based or Non-yield-based. (A subtype cannot be both)
  • Data type: numeric(4)
  • Valid values are listed in Annex I.4 - Valid Values by Field
3Cost Share Type
  • The unique code that represents cost share levels that are applicable to a production insurance claim. Ex: Catastrophic, High, Comprehensive
  • Data type: numeric(4)
  • Valid values are listed in Annex I.4 - Valid Values by Field
4Federal Cost Share
  • The dollar amount that the federal government has paid in premiums to this plan name and cost share level for the time period declared on the claim.
  • Data type: Decimal(14,2)
  • Valid range -999,999,999,999.99 to 999,999,999,999.99.Federal Premium amount is validated based on the cost share percentage for this cost share type.
5Provincial Cost Share
  • The dollar amount that the provincial government has paid in premiums to this plan name and cost share level for the time period declared on the claim.
  • Data type: Decimal(14,2)
  • Valid range -999,999,999,999.99 to 999,999,999,999.99.
6Producer Cost Share
  • The dollar amount that the producer has paid in premiums to this plan name and cost share level for the time period declared on the claim.
  • Data type: Decimal(14,2)
  • Valid range -999,999,999,999.99 to 999,999,999,999.99.