1.0 Yield Production Value and Non-Yield Production Value Tests

The manner of performing the Yield Production Value and Non Yield Production Value tests shall be subject to the Regulations and the "National Certification Guidelines for Unit Values and Production Values”. Note: The title of these guidelines produced under GF, contain the names in place under GF. The same guidelines apply, however under CAP, the name for “Unit Values” is “Yield Production Values”, and the name for “Production Values” under CAP is “Non Yield Production Values”.

  • 1.1 The Province is responsible for performing or causing to be performed the tests listed in clause 2.3 of Annex E of this Operational Document — Production Value Determination Methodologies.
  • 1.2 The Province is responsible for conducting or causing to be conducted the Yield Production Value and Non Yield Production Value tests for all other Agricultural Products
  • 1.3 The next Yield Production Value and Non Yield Production Value tests shall be completed according to the following schedule.
    • 1.3.1 The Ineligible Amounts associated with the non-compliance of test for Unit Values higher than 1 would be determined in accordance with Clauses 14. (3), 14. (4), 14. (5) and 14 (6) of the Regulations.

Next Production Value Tests

Grains and oilseeds
Agricultural ProductsLast test submitted dateNext test due date
Organic Corn20202023
Seed Corn20212022
Soybeans — Natto20212022
Soybeans — organic20212024
Soybeans — Tofu20212022
Spring Grain20202023
Spring Wheat20212022
Winter Wheat — Hard Red20212022
Winter Wheat — Soft Red20192022
Winter Wheat — Soft White20212022
Agricultural ProductsLast test submitted dateNext test due date
Grapes — Labrusca20202023
Grapes — Vinifera20212024
Grapes- Hybrid20212026
Peaches (fresh)20192024
Peaches (nectarines)20212026
Peaches (processing)20202025
Pears (fresh)20192024
Pears (processing)20192022
Sour Cherries20182023
Strawberries (fresh)20192024
Strawberries (processing)20192024
Sweet Cherries (fresh)20202025
Sweet Cherries (processing)20202025
Agricultural ProductsLast test submitted dateNext test due date
Banana Peppers20212026
Cucumbers —  Hand20212022
Cucumbers — Machine20212022
Green Peas20212022
Green & Wax Beans20212022
Lima Beans20212022
Potatoes (fresh market)20202025
Potatoes (processing)20212022
Seed Onions20202025
Sweet Corn (processing)20212022
Tomatoes (processing)20192022
Agricultural ProductsLast Test Submitted DateNext Test Due Date
Black Tobacco20192022
Flue-cured Tobacco20172022
Miscellaneous Agricultural Products
Agricultural ProductsLast Test Submitted DateNext Test Due Date
Forage Rainfall (VPT)20212026
Sugar Beets20192022
  • 1.4 The following Agricultural Products, for which market values are not available or not credible as determined by the Province in collaboration with Canada, are exempt from the requirement of the Yield Production Value tests for 2018–2019 subject to the requirements that the total liabilities for these Agricultural Products do not exceed 5% of the Province’s total liabilityfootnote 1.
Exempt Agricultural Products
CodeAgricultural productLiability (2021)Ratio of liability to total provincial liability
111Adzuki Beans14,495,7570.3138%
103Bee Mortality478,4290.0104%
732Bell Peppers3,779,0970.0818%
86Black Beans9,933,2530.2151%
3Burley TobaccoN/A0.0000%
46Butternut Squash194,1920.0042%
87Cranberry Beans10,276,7790.2225%
903Fruit Vegetables26,385,5390.5713%
89Japan/Other Beans6,048,6450.1310%
88Kidney Bean21,632,1180.4684%
902Leafy Vegetables6,492,6950.1406%
904Other Vegetables1,660,4060.0359%
39Popping Corn16,8550.0004%
43Processing Carrots1,116,3710.0242%
15Red BeetsN/A0.0000%
901Root Vegetables22,091,3690.4783%
26Set OnionsN/A0.0000%
37Spanish Onions4,050,4190.0877%
6White Beans45,487,4380.9849%
99Winter Spelt - Organic818,3520.0177%
98Winter Wheat - Organic3,507,1310.0759%
Total exempt agricultural productsN/A$205,553,9864.4505%
Total liability for all agricultural productsN/A$4,618,704,177100%
  • 1.5 Based on the National Certification Guidelines for Unit Values and Production Values no tests are required for the following Agricultural Products as they generally do not have a market value. However, a description of the methodology used to establish the Value of Production (Yield and Non Yield Production Value) is to be provided to Canada.
Agricultural Products for which no tests are required
Name of Agricultural ProductsLiability Amount (2020)
Apple trees$132,437,780
Peach tree$18,059,499
Pear tree$4,670,413
Plum tree$2,085,629
Premium new forage seeding$4,758,710
Sour cherry tree$5,140,114
Standard new forage seeding$3,810,206
Sweet cherry tree$305,505

2.0 Yield production value methodology

  • 2.1 A detailed description of the Yield Production Value methodology for each Agricultural Product, in accordance with the requirements in the "National Certification Guidelines for Yield Production Values and Non Yield Production Values," can be found below.
Grains and oilseeds
Agricultural ProductYield production value methodology
BarleyThe claim price is determined based on the average posted board prices for feed barley at selected county elevators from August 10 to September 10 of the current Crop Year. An outbound price allowance of $10 per tonne is added to the claim price.
Beans (Adzuki)The claim price is determined by the average price of beans sold between August 1 and November 30 of the Crop Year, as determined by the Ontario Bean Growers. The price is net of marketing costs and fees.
Beans (Black)The claim price is determined by the average price of beans sold between August 1 and November 30 of the Crop Year, as determined by the Ontario Bean Growers. The price is net of marketing costs and fees.
Beans (Cranberry)The claim price is determined by the average price of beans sold between August 1 and November 30 of the Crop Year, as determined by the Ontario Bean Growers. The price is net of marketing costs and fees.
Beans (Japan/other)The claim price is determined by the average price of beans sold between August 1 and November 30 of the Crop Year, as determined by the Ontario Bean Growers. The price is net of marketing costs and fees.
Beans (Kidney)The claim price is determined by the average price of beans sold between August 1 and November 30 of the Crop Year, as determined by the Ontario Bean Growers. The price is net of marketing costs and fees.
Beans (White)The claim price is determined by the average price of beans sold between August 1 and November 30 of the Crop Year, as determined by the Ontario Bean Growers. The price is net of marketing costs and fees.
CanolaThe claim price is determined by the average board price (crusher price) at Hamilton and Windsor, between August 15 and September 7 of the current Crop Year. One-half cent per pound ($11/tonne) is deducted for transportation.

The floating claim price is determined by adding the difference between the Chatham track price and the Chatham board price to the Hensall board price, minus $0.20 per bushel allowance for non-incurred expenses (i.e. drying) between October 21 and November 10 of the current Crop Year.

The fixed claim price is based on a percentage of the forecast price.

FlaxThe claim price is based on 85% of the estimated floating claim price for canola, plus $50 per tonne.
MustardThe price for grade 2 yellow mustard set out in the contract. 
OatsThe claim price is determined based on the average posted board prices for feed and milling oats at selected county elevators from August 10 to September 10 of the current Crop Year. An outbound price allowance is of $10 tonne is added to the claim price.   
PeanutsThe claim price is based on the price of whole peanuts in the shell and is obtained from the main processor/wholesaler.
Soybeans (conventional option)

The floating claim price is the average Chatham elevator track price between October 1 and October 21 of the Crop Year.

The fixed claim price is based on a percentage of the forecast price.

The claim price is adjusted to reflect aggregate quality losses.

Spring grainThe claim price is determined based on the average  posted board prices for feed oats and barley at selected county elevators from August 10 to September 10 of the current Crop Year. An outbound price allowance is of $10 per tonne is added to the claim price.   
SunflowersThe claim price is based on the Ontario birdseed market and is obtained from the main processor/wholesaler.
Spring wheat

The floating claim price is determined by the average price of Grade 2 red spring wheat reported from representative growing regions during the period August 1 to September 30 of the current Crop Year.  An outbound price allowance of $10 per tonne is added to the claim price.   

The fixed claim price is based on a percentage of the forecast price.

The claim price is adjusted to reflect aggregate quality losses.

Winter wheat (Hard red)

The floating claim price is determined based on the average prices reported from representative growing regions for Grade 2 hard red winter wheat during the period July 1 to August 31 of the current Crop Year. An outbound price allowance is of $10 per tonne is added to the claim price.

The fixed claim price is based on a percentage of the forecast price.

The claim price is adjusted to reflect aggregate quality losses.

Winter wheat (Soft red)

The floating claim price is determined based on the average prices reported from representative growing regions for Grade 2 soft red winter wheat during the period July 1 to August 31 of the current Crop Year. An outbound price allowance is of $10 per tonne is added to the claim price.

The fixed claim price is based on a percentage of the forecast price.

The claim price is adjusted to reflect aggregate quality losses.

Winter wheat (Hard white)

The floating claim price is determined based on the hard red winter wheat floating price plus $0.4082.

The fixed claim price is based on the hard red winter wheat fixed price plus $0.4082.

The claim price is adjusted to reflect aggregate quality losses.

Winter wheat (Soft white)

The floating claim price is determined based on the average prices reported from representative growing regions for Grade 2 soft white winter wheat during the period July 1 to August 31 of the current Crop Year. An outbound price allowance is of $10 per tonne is added to the claim price.

The fixed claim price is based on a percentage of the forecast price.

The claim price is adjusted to reflect aggregate quality losses.

Agricultural ProductYield production value methodology
Apples (Fresh)

The maximum fresh claim price is based on a five-year average of the Ontario Apple Growers Marketers Survey, less non-incurred costs.

The remaining three fresh apple prices are determined using a grouped average and the percent difference between the average price and the next average price.

Apples (Juice)The juice claim price is based on the current year negotiated price for ground juice apples, less harvesting costs.
Grapes (Hybrids)The claim price is the previous year’s variety-specific negotiated price by the Grape Growers of Ontario, less non-incurred harvesting costs and board fees.
Grapes (Labrusca)

The processing claim price is the previous year’s variety-specific negotiated price by the Grape Growers of Ontario, less non-incurred harvesting costs and board fees.

The fresh price is based on a five-year average of Ontario Fresh Grape Growers Marketing Board’s negotiated price, less non-incurred harvest costs and board fees.


Grapes (Vinifera)

The claim price is the previous year’s variety-specific negotiated price by the Grape Growers of Ontario, less non-incurred harvesting costs and board fees.
PeachesThe fresh claim price is based on a three-year average of peach returns (lagged by two years), less non-incurred harvest and delivery costs. Agricorp obtains this data from the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers.

The claim price is based on a three-year average of nectarine returns (lagged by two years), less non-incurred harvest and delivery costs. Agricorp obtains this data from the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers.

Nectarine producers may also choose the peach claim price, as a lower cost alternative to the nectarine price.



The fresh claim price is the three-year average price returns (lagged by two years), less non-incurred harvest and delivery costs. There is a 50:50 weighting of Bartlett and Bosc pears.

Agricorp obtains this data from the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers.

PlumsThe claim price is based on a three-year average of plum returns (lagged by two years), less non-incurred harvest and delivery costsAgricorp obtains this data from the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers .
Sour cherriesThe claim price is based on the current year’s the negotiated price for 92 score sour cherries, less non incurred harvest costs and board fees. Agricorp obtains this data from Ontario Tender Fruit Growers.
StrawberriesThe fresh claim price is an average of the fresh market prices posted by OMAFRA for the preceding three years, less non-incurred harvest, container, and delivery costs. The processing price is 25% of the fresh price.
Sweet cherries (Fresh)The fresh claim price is based on 75% of the average price for the preceding three years, less non incurred harvesting and trucking costs. Agricorp obtains this data from OMAFRA.
Sweet cherries (Processing)The processing claim price is based on 75% of the average price for the preceding three years, less board fees and harvesting and trucking costs. Agricorp obtains this data from Ontario Tender Fruit Growers.
Agricultural ProductYield production value methodology
AsparagusThe claim price is based on the five-year average price of fresh sales as reported by OMAFRA, less an amount per pound for non-incurred costs (pack out and containers).
Butternut squash (processing)The claim price is based on the previous year’s non-fulfilment contract price provided by the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers (OPVG).
Carrots (Fresh)The fresh claim price is based on a five year average where the most recent year is based on a fall packer survey and the preceding four years are based on OMAFRA's survey. Non-incurred costs are deducted from the price.
Carrots (Processing)The processing claim price is based on the OPVG previous year’s dicer contract price less trucking and harvesting costs and board fees.
Cucumbers (Hand-picked)The claim price for hand-picked cucumbers is based on the current year industry contract price, which is converted into Canadian currency using the average exchange rate during the harvest period. As this is a graded crop (i.e. different price for each grade), yields and yield guarantees are expressed in dollars, with indemnities reflecting any shortfall below the yield guarantee.
Cucumbers (Machine-harvested)The claim price for machine harvested cucumbers is based on the current year industry contract price, which is converted into Canadian currency using the average exchange rate during the harvest period. As this is a graded crop (i.e. different price for each grade), yields and yield guarantees are expressed in dollars, with indemnities reflecting any shortfall below the yield guarantee.
Green and wax beans (Processing)The claim price for green and wax beans is based on the industry contract price. As this plan includes different types of beans and is graded, (i.e. there are different prices for each type of bean), yields and yield guarantees are expressed in dollars, with indemnities reflecting any shortfall below the yield guarantee. Agricorp adjusts prior year yields to reflect current year prices using an inflation/deflation factor.
Lima beans (Processing)The claim price is the current year’s industry negotiated price minus non-incurred costs.
Onions (Seed, Set)The claim price is based on a five year average where the most recent year is based on a fall packer survey and the preceding four years are based on OMAFRA’s survey. Non-incurred costs are deducted from the price.
Onions (Spanish)The claim price is based on the industry contract, less non-incurred costs.
Peas (Processing)The claim price for processing peas is based on the industry contract price. As this is a graded crop (i.e. prices based on tenderometer levels), yields and yield guarantees are expressed in dollars, with indemnities reflecting any shortfall below the yield guarantee. Agricorp adjusts prior year yields to reflect current year contract prices using an inflation/deflation factor.
Peppers (Bell and banana)The claim price is based on the industry contract prices for banana peppers, and  bell peppers.
Potatoes (processing)The claim price is based on the current year’s contracted price weighted by processing type of chips, whole peel and frozen potatoes less board fees. Agricorp obtains this data from the Ontario Potato Board.
Potatoes (Fresh)there are two claim prices, which are based on a five-year average of fresh table stock potatoes, less non-incurred costs (trucking and board fees). Agricorp obtains this data from the Ontario Potato Board.
Red beetsAs this is a graded crop (i.e. different price for each grade), yields and yield guarantees are expressed in dollars, with indemnities reflecting any shortfall below the yield guarantee.
RutabagasThe claim price is based on the three year average industry price less non-incurred costs.
Sweet corn (Processing)The claim price is based on the current year’s negotiated contract price for the domestic market.
Sweet corn (Organic processing)The claim price is based on the current year’s contract price for the domestic market.
Tomatoes (Processing)The claim price is 90 per cent of the estimated final blend price by processor and the industry memorandum of understanding provided by the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers.
Other commodities
Agricultural ProductYield production value methodology
HoneyThe claim price is a weighted average of the bulk packer (60%) and beekeeper (40%) price for honey, as collected from OMAFRA.
Industrial hempThe insurance price is 70 per cent of the dollar value the processor-specific base price.
Sugar beetsThe claim price is based on an estimated price provided by the Michigan Sugar Company, converted into Canadian currency, less $10 (CAD) per imperial ton for transportation.
Tobacco (Black)The claim price is 80% of the weighted average negotiated processor price for air-cured black tobacco.
Tobacco (Flue-cured)The claim price is 80% of the weighted average contract price set by licensed Ontario tobacco processors. Quality claims are 95% of the weighted average contract price.
Tobacco (Burley)The claim price is 80% of the negotiated price between the grower and processor. This price does not include the cost of curing the tobacco.
  • 2.2 The Agricultural Products for which Canada is responsible for providing Yield Production Values are: Nil
  • 2.3 The Agricultural Products for which the Province is responsible for providing (for this Province) maximum Yield Production Values are: All Agricultural Products
  • 2.4 The Yield Production Values for the following Agricultural Products are set at the unit value for the respective commercial crop, plus a fixed amount for the higher value Agriculture Products as determined by the Province.
Agricultural ProductYield production value methodology
Organic cornThe fixed price for corn multiplied by 2.25
Organic winter speltThe fixed wheat composite price multiplied by 2.3 and converted to kg.
Organic winter wheatThe fixed wheat composite price multiplied by 2
Popping cornThe estimated floating claim price for corn multiplied by 2.5
Seed cornThe claim price is based on the floating claim price for grain corn, with no deductions for drying. The processor-specific price premium is added to the price.

Natto — The soybean float price without a deduction for quality plus $2.99

Organic — The soybean fixed price multiplied by 2.5

Pedigreed seed — The soybean float price plus a price premium based on an average of the three most recent years of industry survey data

Tofu — The soybean float price without a deduction for quality plus $1.50

Spring wheat (pedigreed seed)The spring wheat float price plus a price premium based on an average of the three most recent years of industry survey data
Winter wheat (pedigreed seed)The winter wheat float price (pro-rated based on the commercial acreage share of soft red, hard red, soft white, and hard white) plus a price premium based on an average of the three most recent years of industry survey data

3.0 Non yield production value methodology

A detailed description of the Non Yield Production Value methodology for each Non-yield-based Coverage Insurance Plan, in accordance with the requirements included in the “National Certification Guidelines for Unit Values and Production Values”, can be found below:

Agricultural ProductProduction value methodology
Forage rainfall

Agricorp works with the customer to determine a dollar value of their forage stands, within ranges established by Agricorp for improved tillable land, improved pasture land, and unimproved pasture land.

For harvested hay and pasture, producers can insure up to 160% of the maximum value. This ratio reflects the additional costs of cutting, conditioning and harvesting, according to the crop budgets and custom rates published by OMAFRA.

New forage seedingThe claim prices are calculated annually and are based on establishment costs. The methodology includes seed costs provided by seed companies and tractor and machinery expenses published by OMAFRA.
Root vegetablesThe insurable values are based on the average costs of production for each crop class, not including harvesting or marketing costs. The insurable values are determined based on an approved cost of production methodology and use data from Ontario and other jurisdictions as necessary. Option 1 reflects 100% of the average cost of production. Option 2 reflects 80% of the average cost of production. Option 3 reflects 60% of the average cost of production. Insurable values are generally rounded to the nearest $100. There is a rolling four year schedule to review and update insurable values.
Fruit vegetablesThe insurable values are based on the average costs of production for each crop class, not including harvesting or marketing costs. The insurable values are determined based on an approved cost of production methodology and use data from Ontario and other jurisdictions as necessary. Option 1 reflects 100% of the average cost of production. Option 2 reflects 80% of the average cost of production. Option 3 reflects 60% of the average cost of production. Insurable values are generally rounded to the nearest $100. There is a rolling four year schedule to review and update insurable values.
Leafy vegetablesThe insurable values are based on the average costs of production for each crop class, not including harvesting or marketing costs.  The insurable values are determined based on an approved cost of production methodology and use data from Ontario and other jurisdictions as necessary. Option 1 reflects 100% of the average cost of production. Option 2 reflects 80% of the average cost of production. Option 3 reflects 60% of the average cost of production. Insurable values are generally rounded to the nearest $100. There is a rolling four year schedule to review and update insurable values.
Other vegetablesThe insurable values are based on the average costs of production for each crop class, not including harvesting or marketing costs. The insurable values are determined based on an approved cost of production methodology and use data from Ontario and other jurisdictions as necessary. Option 1 reflects 100% of the average cost of production. Option 2 reflects 80% of the average cost of production. Option 3 reflects 60% of the average cost of production. Insurable values are generally rounded to the nearest $100. There is a rolling four year schedule to review and update insurable values.
Bee health

The claim price is based on the average price provided by three domestic queen and nucleus sources, less non incurred costs for the nucleus box. The price is rounded to the nearest $5.00.

The lower price option is 80% of the upper value.

Apple treesThe claim price is the sum of the costs to remove a dead tree, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new tree from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Apples in Ontario.
GrapevinesThe claim price is the sum of the costs to remove a dead vine, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new vine from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Grapes in Ontario.
Peach/nectarine treesThe claim prices are the sum of the costs to remove a dead tree, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new tree from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Tender Fruit in Ontario.
Pear treesThe claim prices are the sum of the costs to remove a dead tree, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new tree from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Tender Fruit in Ontario.
Plum treesThe claim prices are the sum of the costs to remove a dead tree, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new tree from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Tender Fruit in Ontario.
Sour cherry treesThe claim prices are the sum of the costs to remove a dead tree, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new tree from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Tender Fruit in Ontario.
Sweet cherry treesThe claim prices are the sum of the costs to remove a dead tree, pre-plant planting year costs, and the cost of purchasing a new tree from the nursery. The price source is OMAFRA's economic report titled Establishment and Production Costs for Tender Fruit in Ontario.


  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph This table includes the most recent information available and is updated each crop year a signed Operational Document is required.